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  1. Does anyone know where I can download/buy a set of lighting symbols in .dxf (or any other AutoCAD compatible) format? I already own a Copy of AutoCAD so I am loathed to go out and buy another design program, but I could do without having to sit down and produce my own set of symbols. I have tried a few manufacturers web sites, but they all seem to want to sell me their own design packages :evil: In particular I need symbols for Martin fixtures and TriLite Truss. Any Ideas?? Cheers
  2. Hi folks Have already had a hunt through the site, and haven't found anything about this, so i thought i would ask, but sorry if i am dragging up old news! Is there / will there ever be an offline editor available for the Frog series similar to Offstage for the sirius250/500? Because I do not own my own desk, yet spend a lot of time operating rented/installed desks, the offstage editor was a HUGE time saver . Now, the hire companies I use are starting to phase out the sirius desks in favaour of the new Frogs (which I have to congratulate you on - they are QUALITY desks) but I'm having to spend more time programming the desks for each show (and therefore have to hire it for longer ££££ :!: :!: ) Is there a windows based editor in the pipe line, or I am just getting my hopes up? I agree with 'kirkup_xp'. I would certainly be willing to chuck an extra £20 at the software, but I do appreciate this is something you guys are looking in to, and your reasons for NOT doing it, so fair enough. On another note... Within the offline editor for the Sirius 250/500, the Print function does not work, even in the most recent versions. Again, sorry if am dragging up old news, but are their ever any plans to get that sorted? - It would be useful! Cheers Guys
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