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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by gunner

  1. Re-formatted the stick and it all works correctly now. Thanks for all your help, it's very much apprieciated.
  2. To the best of my knowledge it has not been used on a mac. Would re-fomating the stick help?
  3. The memory stick is not write protected It takes files from my PC (win XP) Has 512mb free space The save failed message appears just before the end of the save process The LED does flash stedily when I put it into the jester.
  4. Can anyone help me with this. I have a usb memory stick formatted as a FAT 32 to save my show on from my jester 24/48, but it keeps saying save failed. Am i doing somthing wrong? I am currently on v1.9 but want to save the show before upgrading to v2.0
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