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Everything posted by techbppac

  1. Hi Jon, Thank you for taking the time to reply, I understand what you are saying, its just been a very long time and there are still ongoing issues. What is the status regarding the andriod remote. This has been a problem for a while that has been noted and told would be updated 'very soon'.
  2. Hello, It is with regret that for the first time ever, I had bad feedback of Zero 88 and their software to a prospective buyer today. Previously I had alway been greatly impressed with the software, with the support and the frequency of updates and bug fixes. Unfortunately, the last update which was released in May 2012 only brought previously fixed problem back. I have contacted zero 88 numerous times about issues, smart tags being turned off after a full record is one of my main problems. We were also promised that the new release of ZerOS 8.0 would be launched at PLASA, it was launched and never released. I know you have lost a great technical mind....but the one thing that zero 88 always got right, was its customer service....I feel that this is slipping quickly away. I was promised lots of things at plasa (a orb xf ws one of them!) but really all I need is the confidence and support that zero 88 have always had. Please...keep us informed, and above all deliver on promises!
  3. Might I suggest a full record? If you program a snapshot using (shift + record) the desk will program movers exactly as they are positioned, coloured, etc. Very useful for programming a particular movement over a fade for instance. But please note, SMART TAGS DOES GET TURNED OFF EVERY TIME YOU DO A FULL RECORD. This is a bug that I am told will be fixed (again....) in ZerOs 8.0. Which may be released in the not to distant future...cough cough!
  4. Hi, Has anybody made a succcesful fixture profile for the martin mac aura. If not can we have one please!! Many thanks Carl
  5. John....this little bit of advice is complete wizdom! Use a different desk to do the task and then reload.....very clever. Im now going to download the orb just to see what else I can do! Well done and thanks!
  6. Hello, i am having a few errors on the latest update 7.2. I have already mentioned one of them to Peter K, but just wanted to see if they are known issues or if anybody else is getting them. Firstly, smart tags turns itself off when doing a full (shift and...) record. This only happens after a full record and not after update. Obviously this can be frustrating if you forget to turn it back on again. The offset numbers are not changing again when using shift to offset the effect. This was a problem that was looked at before and I believe was fixed?? You can no longer use the + (plus) button to increase unprogrammed numbers, it would be helpful to be able to do this so extra cues can be added in without using the insert function. setting the delay fade down time on cues is quite a hassle. If you go to the fade down column and scroll the delay wheel the fade up time adds a delay. There is a workaround using shift, but should it really be this messy? i think thats it for now, i will upload a show file tomorrow if that helps. thanks
  7. Hey, After installing the new software, I can't get the remote to work. Is this a problem or is it something I am doing wrong?
  8. Hello, as the desk is a tracking desk, is there any possibility it is able to fully track each step taken so that a press of an undo button on a MFK say, would simply undo the last step? Is this achievable?
  9. Yeah that is a bit of a problem, and one that has crept in ever since the last update. I usually just cancel the name option then go back into it again, being a bit more careful the second time round. Is time consuming though. I did notify zero88 of this a while back.
  10. Thanks to Jon for looking into these issues. Also my thanks to CHW for your excellent advice. Much easier to name them on the palette screen. Also noticed yesterday that certain channels were not outputting as they were being tracked at 0 in program window, which is normal, but the clear button wasnt lit? And the channels only came on once the clear button had been pressed?
  11. Hello, a few bugs and suggestions, Bugs? Sometimes the backspace button doesn't respond whist naming a sub-master and the only way to delete a character is to cancel naming and then re-enter the menu. Currently when adjusting the offset wheel in shifted wheel mode the offset display doesn't change, yet the actual output does. So i can output a shifted offset of 50 yet cant look at the wheel display to view this. And when pressing the clear button twice, fixtures sometimes still output? Ill look into this more when I get the chance but i believe clear doesn't always clear the changed programmer?? Suggestions? Would it be possible to (or is there) have a better way of naming palettes. Usually i record quite a few position palettes at a time, and if you have to keep scrolling through the numbers, or even worse remember the numbers it gets tricky. Perhaps being able to do position (select palette so it outputs) name would select the current one?? Monitor support, really liking the remote monitor, handheld is great but desktop is awful, could we look at adding sub names, and making the general layout of faders bigger and easier to control? Remote for windows mobile 7. Thanks
  12. Yes smart tag is on.
  13. Have been testing the new operating system release- greatly improved! But having trouble programming a chase. When selecting 'Turn into chase' button the desk crases to black screen white cross. Is there any other way of creating a chase or is this a bug and if so is it a quick fix !? Debug file attatched. debug.dat
  14. Hello, I have an old Betapack. On certain channels when a lantern is plugged into it, theres no control over the dimming the lantern just stays on. On another channel the lantern will dim accordingly but only to about 50%, it will then just cut off-no fade. Please help, many thanks
  15. techbppac


    Some times during a rehearsal a few channels will become 'stuck' and stay on for about two minutes even after the grandmaster being pulled down. I am using three chilli pro 24 ways which we brought about a year ago and a fat frog. Why could this be and how do i stop it.
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