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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by scotty1

  1. Let me just say at first that i wasn't trying to be gruff with the "that sucks comment"! It just adds a fair bit of extra setting up that could be avoided. But so be it! It's taken me a while to post the comment for a few reasons, but the main being that I'm still only hiring the desks as opposed to owning one. Basically I always thought that there must be a way of doing what i wanted, but would always just program around it and figure it out later! Upon some real investigation into the situation recently, i discovered there was no way to do it, so thought i'd mention it. Totally understand the price vs aimed market placement point, so I don't need any pointing towards other consoles. Congrats on the console so far, and more particularly this website and the forum. SP
  2. To be frank, that sucks! That means to program all seven gobos in a technobeam, in a static, slow, medium, and fast spin. (Before even starting on any prisms etc) You'd need to use up 4x7=28 palettes? As opposed to 10 if you could break down the attributes saved to a palette? SP
  3. OK, let me see if i can explain this succesfully.. How can we program a palette that only effects the rotation portion of a gobo without it selecting a gobo. Whenever i program a palette and use it it will adjust all beam shape parameters. It would be great to be able to select my gobo (from say, beam shape palette 1) , then pick a speed (from another beam shape palette) but this second palette selection always seems to overwrite the first selection. Is there something simple i'm missing?? SP
  4. Hi there, Something i noticed a while ago (can't remember which software version!) and may have since been fixed, is that when changing fixtures, the wheel group resets to the first three attributes. This gets a bit annoying when focusing fixture 1, then changing to fixture 2 makes that wheel alter the shutter or something else. Cheers....SP
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