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Everything posted by Mars

  1. Using a XL, these are the options: address one or more dmx channels to a fader; once addressed, they're not available for other faders. So you can drive analog and dmx at the same time, but with a restriction. E.g. faders 1 to 6: analog outputs 1 to 12; faders 7 to 12: dmx channels 13 to 512. Consider the preset faders as a sort of channels-master, each fader driving a number of channels analog and/or dmx. It is not possible however to store certain dmx configurations in the page-faders, and then reconfigure the (analog/) dmx patch for other 'extended' features. You have to stick with your initial dmx patch. A midi connection can not change this, it's meant for something different.. I guess this also applies for the XLS, being a member of the same family. "... who remembers that far back ..." What is old? Mercury and Sirius are much older then frogs, but referenced to the galactic space-time perspective (to name one), all the matter doesn't matter.
  2. Is a well choosen manual dmx patch saved within the well thought-out showfile on a floppy disk? So, after resetting/clearing the desk and reloading this show, is the accompanying dmx patch also restored?
  3. There are old analogue dimmers with CURRENT INPUT. Apply a 27k/1/4W resistor in series with each channel in the dimmerpack. Yes, sudden brightness at somewhere between 30 - 60 % and full between 50 - 80 %.
  4. FrogTime, a better understanding. Manual 2: Manual 4C: Manual 5Ca: Manual 6C: p 4.2 The fade times and actions define the transition from the current memory to the incoming memory. p 4.3 Fade Up - the fade up time for the Next memory. Fade Down - the fade down time for the Next memory. Interpretation: The Fade Up Time and Fade Down Time belong to the next ('incoming') memory. Software version 7.5 (*) Software version 8.1 (*) Software version 9.0 (*) Software version 9.6 (*) Software Frog Offline 1.0 Programming: Fade Up : the fade up time for the next memory. Fade Down: the fade down time for the current memory. Execution: The Fade Up Time determines the next memory. The Fade Down Time determines the current memory. If: "The fade times and actions define the transition from the current memory to the incoming memory." How is the fade down time of the first memory (Memory 1) to be defined? Memory 0 is not editable... It is defined on the last programmed memory fade down time. Wrapping Cues. Best option: Let the user define up/down times vs. current/next memory. Good option: Give the user some (2/3) selectable settings for times and memories. Acceptable option: Rewrite the definition of the fade down time on page 4.3 of the manual. (it says 'Next', but should be 'Current') Disappointing option: Leave it unmodified. (*) Not tested due to a running show for a long period. Conclusion: The frog was jumped out of it's skin. I really can be foaming cantankerously. I bury the tomahawk for a while and have a long holliday first.
  5. "A - german joke goes round the world ..." And leaves this rest of the world in utter bewilderment. I think I can grasp the clue, and can 'clouseau' the witz behind it. ... Summing it up to notice that the clue is translatable, but that we should leave composing jokes to the local initiates. Let's enjoy the show of the dancing schnecken, instead. 8O ...
  6. It's translated properly. Guess: One gay worm in your salad is acceptable above a band of snails. ... (I'm back to the beach again.)
  7. No, from the scenenumber +1. So scene (e.g.) 123 acts with times from scene 124, 124 with times from 125, &c. Anyhow, not so in 9.2, which is running the show today, in all those 30+ scenes on the playbackX master, and times corresponds with scenes. It is very labourous to get any scene (w/wo times) into the subs, version independend, as mentioned above. It should be: select sub, transfer (w/wo), release. It is: retry, verify, retry, verify, retry, verify, &c, &c. until succeeded. No, no, no, this is not as should be, but we're running a show, not a desk. All right, let's replace it with an other fatfrog, and try (pudding & eating). Contacts will turn up soon with the distributor. Show starts in an hour. I'm in a better mood to run the show, done by someone else. /////////////// All went well. Back next week.
  8. Potverpielekes, die Jan toch... Just finished the show, checking out... yup, very, very odd. I'm sure I'm doing things wrong... or not. Loaded version 9.2 Impeckable, apart from the yes/no disturbance, as posted else. If my programming mirrors my postings, my consideration stands.
  9. I'm doing something ugly wrong, or cannot understand the philosophy of the designer, or there is a fundamental BUG. Version 9.6 While programming a vast number of 9 scenes, checking the up/down times, noticed that something was very, very wrong: scene x respons with the times of scene x+1. Or should I have programmed scene x-1 with the times of scene x. Or... eehh... Transferring all these scenes (as a haphazard solution) to the subs... to the subs... TO THE SUBS... D..XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...XXXXXXXXXXXX. Is there dirt under the knobs of this desk? What os is this running? Well, I think I've sledgehammered the scene's in the subs. Show starts in half an hour. I'm in a perfect mood to run the show. (two hours needed to program nine scenes, what a disaster) Tomorrow, the technician of the day can choose between this funny device or the Sirius24, with (at least) visible up times, faultless blind edit and topset. Fixtures? Yeah, next year or so. I am not pleased, and consider a drastic measure. I hope I'm doing something wrong, but I'm puzzled. Aahh... there's the 5 minute sign.
  10. Thanks for the response. It is understandable that the A/B cross fade on memories is not a current issue for the Frog range. But how about the subs counting. A SU option? If not, tape will work also.
  11. Having a tech-guest per performance (our shows run only once), one of them was searching on the desk for this feature: While using the (preset-)faders, to increase automatically the scenenumber when the fader drops below 5% and loads the next scene. fader A 100%: scene 37 ; fader B 0% scene 38 faders both down, fader A loads scene 39 when below 5% fader A 0%: scene 39 ; fader B 100% scene 38 faders both up, fader B loads scene 40 when below 5% &c, &c. He: "It is on a Spark, and should be on the new zero-desks by now." My reply: "I buy 3 frogs for that price, but I've no sponsor." He did the show from the subs. Also, some discussion about the paging began: why restarting the subs-numbers from 1 to 12 on page 2 (& onwards) instead of carry on with 13 to 24 on page 2, 25 to 36 on page 3, &c, &c (needs a 3 digit display up to 240, preferred over F0h). I taped it for him, and peeled the layer off when moving to the next page. That could be a software feature. 8)
  12. 9.11... Pardon me: desk 9.0 & fixture 11.0 Going to update, should be fine then. Thanks.
  13. While editing the subs, changing the up/down times, programming... are you sure? YES. No change. Huh? Again. ... Are you sure? NO ...done... retrologic? =version 9.11 Where's that topset? (yes, again) Nice desk anyhow (I've got a very nice & neat feature to request soon).
  14. No, I don't like mushrooms, but the hair of that famous drummer resembles my own. Boy oh boy, did I enjoy these sparks!
  15. Now I remember, in 1970, when I exchanged the cromasignals R-Y and B-Y accidentally on our modified b/w television. So the box appeared red and dr. Who in cyan.
  16. Aah... yes, that blue one, now I remember... has it ever been green? I'm quite sure it was red.
  17. Considerating the posting date, I presume this news to be the gossip of the week in Wales. I'm glad I neither receive welsh television, nor have the time to attend this board on a regular/appropriate time (sic). Only when a red phone box appears on my stage, I will change opinion 'bout this straightaway. There must be ample space in that booth for a stage, btw... :?
  18. The halls are mostly audible separated. I've solved it for now by a camera and microphone, send the te other hall (also and even two cables). If the S2L is still done with the 6270 AGC circuit, one could subtract the output value(-s) from the max value (FFh-XXh) and continue normal processing. That's congruent to the hardware tweak I intended on the mercury (and/or s24). True, gap retuning would raise undesired effects, and hence the cam/mic. But look at it as a special feature, giving extra possibilities when the channels are programmed individually. Still, no urgent feature. Thanks anyhow.
  19. May be a free give away for customers who buy a chunk out of your store? Or raise the prices by 0.1 % and wrap it in the sold parcels? (how about a 33 qubic feet inflatable toa... frog?)
  20. Dan zou je eigelijk het orgineel gebruikte lettertype moeten weten. Intypen, roteren, opslaan als, &c. English summary: Kind request to Zero for the name of the font of the 90°rotated texts on the borders. These appear to be graphics, and untranslatable in this form.
  21. Omdat Illustrator voornamelijk een grafisch pakket is, vermoed ik dat er wordt opgeslagen in grafische format, met hoge kleuren & resolutie, en dat loopt inderdaad op. Je zou eigelijk het opslaan van de file moeten specificeren als tekst met plaatjes (wat er op neer komt dat de letters als fonts moeten worden meegenomen en de plaatjes als...plaatjes). Lastig zaakje trouwens, dat wel (vandaar m'n posting in het andere topic: alleen met een volledig Acrobat pakket is het goed te doen). Voor zover ik er diagonaal doorheen heb gelezen, zijn alleen de graphics in de randen niet mee vertaald, en (nog) geen spelfouten kunnen vinden. Als ik er tijd voor had, zou ik je helpen: toi. English summary: Edit and format issue, a work around; good translation so far.
  22. Ok, I prefer it a bit stirred. I've seen them now and all is explained. The Rack-6 is a more humble device then the Betapack. Depends on the amount of acceptable failures. (But yet to be proven for the rack!) And so the price, in a reciprocal relation. Launching is counting, lounging is timeless. And a potbelly Frog has touched down here, carrying the 8 betaparcels. :wink:
  23. How shall I put this... After a period of months, negotiating the purchase of a FatFrog and 8 Betapacks (hw-dmx) as new equipment after the move of our small theatre, wringing out the maximum from a minimal budget, and driving my local supplier and the distributer mad, they proudly introduce the new Rack-6 dimmer pack for about half the price of a Betapack. That's 10% of the agreed total price. I could have bought more packs, or a Bull perhaps. Lights? Huh... But we're opening at the end of april, so time is up. I foresee I'm not wearing my Zero88 Tshirt during the first weekend. While firmly biting in a towel, I would like to say: RRRRRMMMMNNRRRRMNMNNNNNNN... But hey, 88's, when you manage to come over here for the prime party, the drinks are on the house! I'll even mix them myself for you! :? :cry: :roll: :evil: :twisted: 8) And do give that Offline editor desk a better resolution. It's horrible !!! (double click, faster, much faster, click-click, don't breath between clicks, CLICK--CLICK, ... )
  24. So, for the moment & due to the lack of general Ventura support, translations are only possible through the multiple-step procedure: raw english-text > raw 'swahili'-text > import in Ventura > format repairs > pre-release 4 verification > adjustments if necessary; loop 2 pre-release mkII [&/end loop] > final releases. Some forummembers show great impetuosity on the first step, and are limited on the next steps by the nature of the choosen application. Just to consider, that in any case, supervision and authorization should stay with Zero88. ... :roll:
  25. You would have to corrupt/pervert/bribe your local distributor. Any kind of compromising snapshot will usually be sufficient.
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