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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by Mrdjjag

  1. No problem. I understand. For my part i create a ready macro with on off values for my smoke/haze, i think its easy to click on if needed so I not forget to adjust the values afterward. Same when I program lights
  2. Have you tried use one fader/playback to trigger/release que/playbacks? I use to do so, just activate the que in a playback you presaved or release it. Helps alot sins you can trigger/run many que/stacks at once that you created
  3. Got same problem with effects on some multicell fixtures. however, try use the effect ”rump up”, it seam to activate it in best case, then you can use the picker and other effects. Myself have no answer with the problem
  4. I use to make paletts for each value for the fixture, weither its colours, built in programs. Once i got the pallet saved its always goes to that percent/value. Of course it takes some time but its a real timesaver when programing. You dont need to go trough the tagg and press the encoderwheel, just use the shortcuts trough the created pallets. Hope it can help
  5. Same problem for me, for me it interupted the dmxsignal with a gap every like 4-5 sec long enough for the wirelessdmx to lose signal. I ended up buy an artnetbox to dmx and used the internet port, only there the interupted signal dident accure. So the problem seam to be trough the dmx port since the 14.1 update
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