Greeting from germany.
Im currently using the Solution desk and was looking to upgrade because the desk has become really laggy and some faders have position issiues where they report values that are not actually input, like reporting a dmx value of 15 but are physikly at he bottom. (this is all quite understadable because of the age of the desk)
The question I now have is, will the FLX S consoles get syntax support?
Because the Solution desks supported, at least some kind of syntax (idk if its the same as FLX) i grew quit used to having acces to that feature.
That is also the reason i looked at the FLS console as the nex upgrade, but as its discontinued now, that obv issnt an option, so it would be nice if FLX S would gain the capabilitys of Syntax. (I just watched the 7.10 video where it is mentioned that you cant control individual pixels of non linear lights without syntax for example)
Looking forward to the new features of 8.0 and if they will give me enough reason to upgrade.