Hello, I have the following problem with my FLXS24, which I purchased in 2021. After the console worked for a previous Revue performance, the screen failed to start the next day, while the console otherwise functions normally. The faders and fader lamps work, as does the digital interface via the iPad apps. The day after, the screen intermittently worked again, so I reset the console to factory settings and installed the latest software update. However, when I tried to use it again a few days later, the screen failed to work again. After a restart and some time without power, everything functioned normally for a short period, then there was a white screen for a few seconds, and the screen shut off completely again. The rest of the console continued to work normally. Is it possible to connect the console to an external regular monitor without a working screen, or do you have any other ideas?
Thank you in advance for your help!