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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Charlie Newman

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Everything posted by Charlie Newman

  1. Super excited to see the FLX S consoles becoming more viable alternative for main control surfaces rather than just as a backup to the FLX console. The features look great and I look forward to trying them out! Merry Christmas all!
  2. Ah man that's super annoying. Is there any ETA on having that done? I've currently just moved the files over to new devices. Is it possible to release an APK or similar in the meantime?
  3. Have the remote and monitor apps just been removed from the Play Store @Jon Hole, everything redirects as an error and I need them on a new device.
  4. Yeah I was thinking along those lines. Interesting idea for sure
  5. Just out of curiosity, how are you doing this? Triggering playbacks via OSC?
  6. Epic, thanks!
  7. Aw damn, that's annoying. @Jon Hole maybe a future update could add a total lock? Especially seeing as I see the desk used a fair bit (in other venues) in public areas, to stop public tampering? (And then we could get custom wallpapers? xD)
  8. Hey all, when I lock the FLX console at my venue, it seems like only the actual display is locked, all MFFs and playback buttons can be used like normal. Is this a known bug? I really want to be able to fully lock the desk to prevent tampering.
  9. Ah yeah apologies, again me being used to the fullsize haha
  10. Heya! What do you mean by "it is no longer working correctly"? If it is similar to this post, it could be a software version, which version are you currently on?
  11. So just to clarify, everything boots as normal except the main screen? Is desk functionality still there?
  12. Just what I was looking for, thanks!
  13. Wowzers, I admire the dedication @kgallen, props to you!
  14. Haha can't blame you, have fun
  15. Oh man, that's gonna be fun xD
  16. So when I have only dimmer channels selected, I don't get intensity on an encoder wheel at all, so I can't manually fade. Anyway to bypass this?
  17. Glad I could help. It honestly was just a random idea I had haha
  18. Ah yeah interesting.... personally I would prefer /256, maybe it could be in the custom fixture file or just a desk setting to change...
  19. Yup @kgallen, works like the other one (other than showing when closed/open), interesting that shows in %, personally I'd rather 1-255. Thanks for the help!
  20. Sounds good
  21. Ah yeah, that would make sense, thanks!
  22. Here's the ZerOS Fixture File, I can make one in the FE, is it worth it or will the issue reoccur? FS File.zfix
  23. So I recently created a custom fixture and set the default value on the strobe channel to 5, but it shows as two on the light when selected? No playbacks or cues are overriding it so I'm quite lost, any help would be appreciated
  24. Ok, very odd suggestion, but are the fixture names/modes over eight characters?
  25. Ah ok, I only worked with one briefly so my memory of it isn't the best. Apologies!
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