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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by Oliver_74

  1. Hi, that sounds interesting 🙂 Since I don’t own a stream I’d have a few questions: Why do I need a pc except for configuration…would it also work with a Mac? Is there any functional reason why you have Zeros Monitor running, since there is no way to enter data there?… thanks for helping out
  2. Thank you Edward for your Email support and for you YouTube Videos…there were times when I saw you on Video more often than my Girlfriend XDDD I wish you all the best… as well as „us“ and Varilite… i hope they find a solution to keep up the high quality support level all the best Oliver
  3. Hi, is it possible to type in the pan/tilt values? Otherwise it’s pretty hard/impossible to set the same values using the encoder wheels thank you 🙂
  4. Oliver_74

    16bit values

    Hi, I would also highly appreciate values(degrees) instead of bit data 🙂🙏
  5. Hi Sven, thanks for your answer 🙂 Do you also use a MacBook M1 (16GB) thank you Oliver
  6. Hi, has anyone tried to run Phantom and Capture on a MacBook Pro M1 (16GB Ram) using Parallels and Win11? Thanks 🙂
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