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  1. Brilliant thankyou there's no chillinet panels at all but will give Keith a call soon as I get chance thanks again for your help much appreciated 👍
  2. Hi thanks for your reply yeah we are trying to get someone to look at the dimmer pack they been on all the time for about 10+ years ,the desk it's self messed up couple of years ago and we sent it off to a company they fixed it and then about a year ago the lights started to go mad and not really looked into it till now but when it messed up the lights wouldn't respond they would come on full then couldn't get them to dim just been doing are heads in oh we are bingley westyorkshire thanks again for responding means a lot 😀
  3. Hi im after some help, any help is much appreciated, So hear goes we have a jester zero 88 running v3.1 ,we also have a chilli pro dimmer pack to go with it, not sure on virsion on the dimmer pack, we run 24 lights (mainly spots) in our local community centre hall, our main problem is that when the console is not plugged into the wall dmx port the lights start going wild at like stupid times like 3-4 am we go up to work and the lights are flashing-chasing-going wild, we had someone look at the dimmer pack and they said its the dimmer pack but we are trying to get a second a opinion on that because it does what its suposed to do (sometimes)we dont think they know what they was doing, as far as i can tell theres nothing in the memories or submasters, because we hire the lights poeple use it and they mess about with it, we think they have reset the desk and muddled about with it, how would i be able to sort the desk out (im new to it so ive not a clue to be honest), thanks in advance Chris (tiffa)
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