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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by darkness

  1. I have a strange problem in that whenever i try to access the floppy drive, even with no disk in the drive the console turns off for a couple of seconds and then reboots. I've not known a floppy drive to reboot a machine (be it a lighting desk or computer) when its faulty, they normally just cant read disks. Is this likely to be a bad floppy disk drive or a more serious problem, i don't have any working disk drives to try and would like to know this will fix it before i go and buy one.
  2. i didnt expect it to work as i was already trying a few different disks but i downloaded the fixture library onto a new disk and the desk didnt reboot once when i assigned a fixture
  3. Hi, I'll confess i've not tried yet but my time is getting very short for programing this show. What i want is a standard chase with generic lights flashing and for it to run twice but over the entire length of the chase some fixtures to slowly pan over the audience from the back when the chase starts to the front when the chase ends, is this possible and how do you do it. Also, i want some fixtures to point down at the ground and then change the colour at certain points, i tried it but when i wasnt going to the next colour on the wheel you see it spin through the colour wheel, is there a way it can almost be turned off until its got to the colour i want, its going along with a video so timing is crucial, if not i'll just do somthing else Thanks for any help
  4. darkness


    Is it possible to set the frog function up so different fixtures have different frog values at the same time. For example have 1 fixtured when the pan max/min settings at say 0-100 and another fixture 100-200 ect, or is the frog screen only able to change values of all fixtures at the same time Thanks
  5. cheers, i had another play today and got it working randomly, i didnt have an audio input but i guess it goes in time with that if there is one, or does somthing need setting up? One thing though, i set it up on a sub master so when im playing around i can just push the slider up but when i bring the fader back down the light carries on, is there a way i can stop this?
  6. Hi all I am able to set up a chase with the generic lights flashing to music and getting the fixtures to do 1 thing within the chase (same colour and gobo and just repeat the same movement) but I was wondering if there was a way of geting fixtures to dance to an audio input with random movements, gobos and colours, im guessing if it is possible it has somthing to do with the FROG function but i dont realy understand how this works
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