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  1. I have a software error on my FLX S24. When the console is booted up, after a few seconds several playbacks automatically activate on the top right and bottom left. You can see the affected playbacks turn blue in the playback menu, on bank 1-24 as well as when selecting bank 25-48. The activated playbacks can then no longer be deactivated; they can only be temporarily deactivated by holding down the Clear or Setup button. When this error occurred for the first time, I tried to load via my stick various shows that had definitely previously worked, but the error always occurs again. I only noticed that in different shows, playbacks with the same numbers are not always activated, but nevertheless always several in the top right and bottom left. To solve the problem, I have tried Rest Desk and Factory Reset. But after both resets, the error reappeared in my previously working shows. My short term solution was to delete the affected playbacks and leave them blank so it doesn't matter that the desk activates them. Is this error known and how can I fix it?
  2. Hi @Edward Z88 Thanks for your quick help! I already had the idea of creating my own Grand Master Playback, but I use the Grand Master on the Master Playback and the button as a blackout effect. With a separate master playback, that would be a flash button. Of course I could create an additional Blackout Playback, but I prefer to use the Grand Master as a single playback. And with the Generic devices as dimmer channel replacements, it would also work, although not very elegantly. The problem is still that I can't correctly record the devices without dimmers, including the Hazer, into a playback. I had already activated fader controls, but I don't think that really helped or was even necessary with Smart Tag. How can I correctly record devices without dimmers, e.g. a snow channel or the channels of the hazer, to a playback, preferably without Smart Tag? As I had already written, I can't somehow mark the devices without dimmers in blue, only their parameters. So what do I have to mark, also in the Record Options, so that I can save these "Beam" devices without dimmer to a playback? If this really only works with Smart Tag, how should I set the moving heads before recording so that the console does not save any settings of the moving heads in the playback? As already written, fader controls, then supposedly Beam?, I can surely activate afterwards, but that just hadn't helped me when the playback didn't work at all.
  3. I have a problem with my FLXS24. I want to run theatre lights and a hazer in addition to my moving heads. I use a Grand Master on the master playback, but I don't want to affect the brightness of the theatre lights, because I use the Grand Master as an effect and I want the stage to stay bright. How can I control the theatre spotlights and the hazer via playbacks without them being controlled as lamps? I replaced the fixture for the theatre lights with individual Generic Snow Fixtures for the channels I need, because I couldn't find a suitable Generic Fixture without a dimmer with several channels. This way I no longer have a dimmer channel that can be controlled by the console via the Grand Master. Anyway, there is no dimmer in the fixture of the hazer. But how can I now control these fixtures without dimmers via playbacks? I have different values on the different channels, which I want to raise proportionally via the respective playback. I set the respective values of the appropriately selected channels - Snow Fixtures - to the highest position for the fader and then tried to record a new playback. Unfortunately, the playbacks only worked when I activated Smart Tag and not when I selected fixtures, paramters and attributes myself. At the beginning, the playbacks recorded via Smart Tag worked partially, so that I could control the theatre spotlights and the hazer via the playback. After a certain time, however, this no longer worked and the values were completely wrong or the fader could no longer change the values at all. I also once had the problem that the fader for the theatre spotlights or the hazer suddenly adjusted my moving heads. I assume that these problems are related to Smart Tag. I just want to be able to drag my snow fixtures or the hazer without dimmer channels with different values on the channels up and down to these stored values via playback faders. How can I save these values to a playback fader that can then adjust them from 0 to the value? I somehow can't blue select the fixtures before recording, probably because they don't have a dimmer channel. But the parameters I want to save to the playback I can select blue. However, the settings in the Record Options for Fixtures, Parameters and Attributes have done nothing for me and the playback has never worked without Smart Tag. Sorry for the possible errors in this text, I translated it. However, the content should be correct.
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