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  1. Thanks Edward. If I do that it only changes a single fixture in the chase...... The one that it happens to be on in the sequence.
  2. Sorry Edward, still not doing it properly. When I change the colour of the fixtures in the chase, then go to record the update, what options should I be selecting in the update box? Sorry to pester you with this.
  3. Hi Edward, this is not really working the way I want it. If I record a basic chase onto a cue stack using Smart Tag and Track forwards, If I then want to update that cue stack to a different colour, its not letting me. I'm not sure whether I select Cue 1/3, All sources or Selected Stack? I have tired all the combinations and it only seems to update the fixture in the chase that happens to be on at the moment I press update. Many Thanks for your help.
  4. Great, thanks Edward, help is much appreciated I will give that a try over next few days and go through that tutorial.
  5. Thanks Edward but its still jumping to a different colour with track forward. What should the other options on the update window be set at?
  6. HI, apologies if this has been asked on the forum but I couldn't find anything. If I have a cue's on the main playback and I want to update it, what settings do I choose from the update menue to make sure the fixture's added to the update behave the same way as the original cue? Basically I have cues and colour stays the same on fade up and down when I originally recorded them but when I add in extra fixtures using the update the colour changes before the cue has faded out. Many thanks, any help appreciated!
  7. Hi Edward, many thanks for getting back to me so quick, much appreciated. Movers are ADJ Focus Spot SZ. Will check but I think I have them on Basic Mode (using 19 channels?). Won't get time today to try the cuestack method today but will give it a go next day or two. Thanks again.
  8. Hi there, apologies if this has been posted somewhere else before but I couldn't find it. Using a FLXS48 I am wanting a simple basic chase where my mover continuously moves slowly from position A to Position B and back repeatedly. At the minute, what I do is position mover at A, record onto a fader. Position mover at B, record onto same fader and select record as a chase. On my playback settings of that fader I change Attribute Fade Percentage to 100% and then can use global BPM to slow the movement right down to say 5 or 10 bpm. However I am finding the movement quite jerky, is that just because I have slowed it down so much and there's nothing can be down to smooth it out or is there a better way to achieve what I need? Also I am limited to 1bpm being the slowest and even though its super slow it would be good if I had some way fo doing it where I could get even slower. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Many Thanks!
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