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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Finn Tegeler

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  1. Thanks both of you for the input. I will look forward to the release of OSC then. Typically I carry an iPad with me which I'm sure such software exists for it. That could be used as David mentioned. I'll build a showfile now and will test using the multi RGB-faders on Friday. I feel like they are already a better upgrade from preprogrammed colors. Have a nice day ~Finn
  2. Thank you for your reply. Arranging the faders by color seems to be the easiest way forward. I appreciate the input. Then I'll patiently await the software release and maybe that will open up some options but I would prefer to run without a laptop as I typically do not carry one to most events. Greetings ~Finn
  3. Hello everyone, I've been reading the forums for a while but never created a post somewhere. My name is Finn and I'm mainly running events for a school in Germany. We've been using our FLX S24 happily for the past couple years at all sorts of events. Most of our shows could be solved with a simple busking showfile so I am looking into creating one that fits all our needs. Because of that I have a bit of a special question if you will. Mixing RGB colors through faders has been throughly discussed in other posts and even has it's own training video. I was wondering if it is possible (perhaps through macros) to have a way for mixing multiple groups of colors. The idea would be to have for example eight RGB fixtures that are separated into two groups (though technically one could create "infinite" color groups). Fader 1-3 are used for mixing color for group 1 and Fader 4-6 are used for mixing color for group 2. That of course is entirely possible without any additional work. My question would now be if it is possible whenever Fader 4-6 are not active for group 2 to automatically follow group 1 (in terms of the color). As if I want to change the color of all fixtures I just pull down Fader 4-6 and use Fader 1-3 respectively. I recognize this is definetly more of a special requirement and not the most common usage. Macros are a thing I've never touched and am slowly getting a hang of it therefor I am unsure if it's helpful in this case. I am very thankful for any input regarding this quirky concept. Have a great day Finn Tegeler
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