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Everything posted by mrsangiovese

  1. I am having difficulty programming a moving light chase with palettes. (I am of course assuming this is possible?) I am trying to record a chase that will just contain position information on the submasters. (I haven;t attempted to do this to memories..) I program the first step, create the look for the second step, tell it to 'make chase', create the look for the third step, but since I pressed a position palette, the submaster is no longer selected. If I re-select the submaster, it wants to over-write one of the first two steps. Is there a way to get it to program steps beyond #2 using palettes? Thanks for your help! David
  2. OK... I just came across the release notes for version 10.4 (a former employee updated the desk... I knew that but only had the old manual). Anyhow... I figured out the tagging/untagging issues... I'm confident I can solve most of my issues. The thing I am still concerned about is getting the fixture to fade out (brightness) when I bring down the submaster which has a memory transferred to it. I guess an explicit description of how to "make sure the brightness is down to zero on the virtual fixtures before outputting from memories or submasters" would probably sort me out. Thanks so much for your help.....
  3. I guess what I am not sure what you mean by 'virtual' fixture. I see no reference to it in the manual. I do see the fix br data line on the monitor. When you say 'before I output memory or submaster data' are you referring to before I press the program key to store a step of a chase?? (memory) and before I transfer a memory to submaster? Or do you mean when I run the memory or submaster? Regarding getting the fixtures to stop moving... I did have the console in 'partial' programming mode. I'll check on 'tagging' the individual parameters... not sure how to do that... but I am guessing you are saying if I don't tag the parameter... it will overide highest takes precedence and send a zero value to the fixure? thanks for your patience....
  4. That tip helps... If am understood correctly basically that has me programming my memories without brightness data. to make it work I then selected the fixtures... used the brightness wheel to manually fade in and out the fixtures. Although that works... it seems there should be an easier way (I do have to make this so a non-LD (sound guy) can run it for lower level shows). Anyhow... when I did this... I programmed one chase memory all no gobo... no color... the other with rotating colors and a gobo. When I switched back and forth... although the movement pattern changed... it kept the gobo and rotating colors. PLEASE HELP!! I am starting to like this controller... its the first real controller I have used and I am determined to master it! Thanks again....
  5. Hello, I've been programming a Fat Frog with some High End studio spot 250's for a couple weeks... I'm figuring out most of this.. but can't get the studio spots to fade out (dim to zero) when I bring down a submaster which has a memory transfered to it. Any thoughts on what I am overlooking? Thanks
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