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A Wade

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  1. Sent you through an email.
  2. I currently work for a school that is using 4 Betapack 2 units to control their theatre lighting, 3 out of the 4 units have sockets that have failed the fixed appliance tests and have been deemed unsafe to use, from the report we received on this test the 11 sockets that failed seem to have failed due to the sockets being physically damaged in one way or another, They gave us a quote on replacing them with 4 new betapack 4 units but with the lead time on the units being 8 to 10 weeks currently it would leave us without working dimmers for our up coming annual next month. I've found a local online retailer that can provide us with replacement sockets for the units but I can't find any information on replacing the sockets in the units, can anyone let me know if this would be a fairly simple job to complete on the 3 units that I'd be able to carry out saving us a huge amount on reviving out lighting system?
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