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  1. Hello there, Just a quick post to tell you that the start up tool fixed my problem. I cleared the show file and load an older version and everything is fine now. There was no error messages, the boot was fine, the problem occured after the 2nd log screen when the console loaded the "internal show 2". It froze just after this. Thanks for your help, I will send the error file to the support and hope it can maybe help for a future update.
  2. Hello, I got a FLX S48 in my theater. I upgraded it in 7.11 30 minutes ago. After I modified a playback, the console froze with a loading screen with the Z of ZerOS in the middle and a bar half completed. It doesnt move at all. I tried to plug off the console but as soon as it boots, it loads my session and the loading screen froze again. I got no response from the console when this occurs, nothing works. It seems that the problem is tied with the session... Is there a safe mode or something like this that can take me out of this situation ? I'm in a big trouble if i can't find a solution before tomorrow... Sorry for my bad english, and thx for your help !
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