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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Hi I want to use some led par cans also for a show. In the past I have used them off the preset faders but for each Led Can, as you state above, I end up with all 6 channels in use and it soon eats up the desk. Q1. Can I some how only use 3 of the 6 channels ie RGB. Q2. Do I understand from above that I can assign them as a fixture on the Fat Frog. If this is so how can I control each seperate colour (RGB) as there is only 1 dimming channel. Many Thanks Alan
  2. Hi I knew you could go into edit mode (which I have done after a show) to correct any problems, but I did fear the blackout 'scenario' if I tried it whilst the show was running!
  3. Hi A couple of weeks ago I was running a show that I had rushed to get set up and I realised that I had 'Programed' into my memory stack rather too much Haze on one of the scenes (normaly operate this live as required) but I didn't know how to 'turn it off'. I presume this can be done could somebody please tell me how? Cheers Alan
  4. Hi I didn't upgrade the last time as there seened to be some concern over 'tracking' and the fact that it coudn't be turned off. This seems to have been overcome in this version. I am not certain exactly what tracking is and how it will effect me and wondered if someone could explain it to me in straight forward way. I use the fat frog for local amateur musicals with the use of the occasional moving head (still learning this). This leads to the next question of 'Why do some people dislike tracking so much?' Last of all, there had been talk on the forum that 'Move when dark' would be added to the new version, this is obviously taking a bit more work, but I wondered if it was still on the cards? Sorry if this seams a bit basic but I'm still new to it all! Many Thanks Alan
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