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  1. seems that some of these lighting consoles are used by audio visual companies....(myself included) that also have video editing suites. could some kind of arangement be made to produce the training class on dvd??? any thoughts on this subject?
  2. Thanks for the reply, I'll get it set back up and give this a shot. so, when I record the conventionals, and the board says to overwrite (yes/no) can there still be attributes taged? thanks
  3. fat frog running a ballyhoo with technobeams (older series). when I have a moving effect running on a submaster, and I go to bring up another sub with leckos (go podium) I lose the moving effect I was running and the movers seem to get a mind of their own; still running an effect, but nothing I programed, possition, effect, or color wise, yet this randomness seems to always go to open white. so, I have to fade out the movement, hit the conventional cue, and then restore the submaster for the ballyhoo. my os is 10.4.1 so, what is my solution? thanks Matt Turcott operations Manager Visual Aids Electronics
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