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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by Malvern

  1. My problem is move on dark works ok when say the cues are 2 or 3 cues apart. When the cues are consecutive the fixture is on as it moves to its final position. Also when the cue is finished the fixture fades out to the home position. I am working on the master cue stack. Forward tracking is on. I have tried doind the same thing as you would on a sub master using snap fade pressing the button and putting the fader up. The desk froze. Reply for dummies please. Thanks for your help. The fixture in question is Chauvet Rogue R2 Wash Moving Head
  2. Hi I’ve been trying to get your tech support but told by a robot that no one is in at the moment. But that appears to be the same in other departments. When will you be in again So that I can get support with a problem. Please
  3. Very sad news. Condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
  4. Cheers Ed
  5. Hi Ed Alls well the Node hasn't got a name but for some reason the dmx 1 port was 0 then dmx port 2 and so on so has to re configure on pc. Also the Node wouldn't work with DHCP but would with the addresses 2xxx. Anyway finally got it working. Thanks anyway. One thing where do I find the dmx grid for each universe. Pete
  6. Sorry all working now. Where I started Still got the Node to work. Do I have to have the two ports on the desk enabled therefore calling port 1 on the Node port 2 or an I disable the ports on the desk and call port 1 on the Node universe 1. If you see what I mean.
  7. Hi I've just purchased a NODE. I watched Eds training video but in practice I couldn't get it to work so thought the easiest thing to do would be to load a file to but things back to where we started but now there is no output from ports 1 and 2 although on the desk in universes everything seems set correctly. Any ideas Pete
  8. Hi I've done the 7.14 upgrade. And I've tried to update fixtures. Tapping fixtures and modes on top of the fixtures list but the tabs in the bottom still remain in red. Any ideas?? Also am wanting another universe but it says that I can't do that at the moment. I want to use artnet. When will I be able to do that please.
  9. I am familiar with tracking but not the update window. I know how to enable or disable smart tag
  10. Hi I don’t know whether this is a bug or something. I was plotting a show on my desk. I needed to update a cue which I had done several times successfully before, then I was trying to get rid of a light we didn’t want. I tried several times to eliminate it from the cue. But in the end in desperation I turned the desk off and rebooted. When the desk was live again the cue had been corrected. This happened several times during the evening. What’s going on
  11. Yeah I agree but removing the lights that shouldnt be there by updating the sub doesn't work
  12. 2 questions 1 how do I edit an effect I ve got 4 moving heads 3 of them in white one gone rogue in yellow the effect is circle. Every time I update the fader it goes back to yellow.. 2 I've got a sub fader with 2 cues with moving heads going up on one cue and going down on the other. Working fine. on the main stack the cue is blue working fine. When I introduce the sub with the main stack all of a sudden pale blue appears. I've tried several times to get rid of the pale blue but again can't get rid. Hope this all makes sense
  13. Hi Had a major problem in tech rehearsal last night. I had put all my cues I needed in mdf's and started to record them over to main stack, but there was no times in the cells and no intensity. In the end I had to start again an set up a new show where all worked well but left me stressed out. What went wrong and could it be easily rectified Pete
  14. Hi When all faders are down on desk 5 fixtures remain on in white can't get rid to f them except if I go to channels take them down and keep the clear button on. Help!!! Oh and I've rebooted the desk
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