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Everything posted by timwall

  1. Thanks Keith. You're a star! Regards.
  2. would it be possible for you to creat fixture files for me for the two attached items? Desk ML24 I would really appreciate your help with these - as they are LED fixtures I dont really know where to begin with them Many Thanks stairville led flood_7x3w.pdf stairville xbrick.pdf
  3. Hello all. have created a file for this fixture and though it works i'm not at all sure of how to add all the various parameters in the Special ch13 and 14 channels so's i can see them ( if possible ) on the desk LCD's . Could you take a look nd see if i've got it right please files attached ypoc 575.ift YPOC575_DMX_v1.2_EN (1).pdf
  4. DOH RTFM properly now -- sorted
  5. Hi using an ML24 have lastest upgrade installed try as i might, i can't seem to manually step through a chase - wheel set to manual etc, press insert as per user manual - nothing. As a matter of interest can I manually step a chase when programmed to a submaster also?. Also have tried using a USB keyboard to enter scene names etc - nothing - is there a procedure for using a keyboard that I'm overlooking ?can use the M/F keys ok Thank
  6. Thanks for the help-- All working fine and hunky-dory I really really can't believe that I didn't spot that the master was down !!!!! Moral -- look for the simple solution first - and DONT PANIC.
  7. thanks - will try that tonight
  8. Hi - writing with some urgency - have a show this weekend beginning friday 1600. I have got in some mac250 kryptons. I've loaded the personality from the library - but though i have pan/tilt - the lamp is on - looking at the wheel group i cant seem to find any way of opening the dimmer on ch 2. Have read the mac manual and it seems that the dimmer has to be up - i think - but without some output i cant really tell if everything else is behaving as it should. The mac is set to 14 channel operation - not the extended set up- i'm confused enough as it is. Sorry if i'm missing something really obvious- i've just spent 6 hours riigging and 3 hours trying to figure out the macs and its now 01.45 and my brain is fried and there is the day job at 0800 to look forward to. some clear concise advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. hi Reading all the posts re dmx input - just a bit confused - can i connect our old xls via the dmx in, use it for ch 1 -24 and patch the ml24 preset faders to ch 25 onwards etc or am i just being dumb ?
  10. Our xls has a problem in the colour control section - ie. setting up say, page 1, buttons 1-3, 5 - 6 operate but if 4 is operated it just defaults back to prog 1, indicators flash for a second and setting one activates. This happens in any page setup. Any suggestions - faulty push button perhaps? or something more serios - we can live with it but it is a pain.
  11. thanks your for help - gave the faders a squirt of air to clean them out and now they work like a dream - for a long time I hope. Should have thought of it first I guess. Doh!
  12. Thanks Keith - I will have a look inside and see what i can see . will follow up when (and if ) I fix it
  13. a strange glitch has appeared on our old XLS desk. When channel 9 fader on preset A is raised, channel 8 raises with it to about 10 - 15 %. If we wiggle the channel 8 fader about a bit, give it a tap or two, or quickly raise to 100% and back to zero it goes out. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all but mainly it does. Channel 8 works normally by itself and doesn't affect channel 9. Its not a major thing I guess as the output from 8 is pretty low but it is really irritating. Any suggestions as to cause and rectification would be welcome
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