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M. Torka

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  1. Hi Edward, in my understanding 7.9 is higher = newer than 7.1......but nevertheless, the actual update is 7.10. I´ve downloaded this .exe file from your website, transferred the file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick and put it into the FLX S24 USB input. The initial situation on the console is seen on Pic1. The I did it as recommended, see progress in the Pic2,3,4 and 5. What is wrong? Why can the console not find the update file????? KR Marius Unfortunately I´ve no idea and need your help. KR Marius Hi Edward, I did it as you´ve described: following messages: Looking for upgrade package. Opening upgrade package Reading upgrade script Unable to read upgrade script upgrade failed. Is it possible, that the 7.1 upgrade file on your website has a problem? I´m frustrated KR Marius
  2. Hi Edward, in my understanding 7.9 is higher = newer than 7.1......but nevertheless, the actual update is 7.10. I´ve downloaded this .exe file from your website, transferred the file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick and put it into the FLX S24 USB input. The initial situation on the console is seen on Pic1. The I did it as recommended, see progress in the Pic2,3,4 and 5. What is wrong? Why can the console not find the update file????? KR Marius Unfortunately I´ve no idea and need your help. KR Marius
  3. When I try to load the ZerOS from USB stick, load Setup & Palettes, I get the respose: Looking for Upgrade package in red: File does not contain an Upgrade package upgrade failed. What goes wrong?
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