I'm looking for instructions on how to make a playback a very simple house light, we have 2 of our house lights on separate dimmers, but we want to be able to control them all using just one playback, we also want this playback to not interfere with anything going on under the memories cue list, so in the event the show has to stop we can simply put the fader up and the main memory will continue with the exception of the house lights on, we also want this playback up during technical rehearsals, but we do not want house lights included in any memories while recording, we basically want anything turned up on this playback to be ignored in recording any memories.
We are looking to also do the exact same thing with all of our 3 hazers, using a separate playback for each one, we do not want any interference with memories while they are up and when this playback is up to be not be included in any memory cue recordings.
I hope this all makes sense, we did have training from Edward before the pandemic started which we all found very useful, but this is something none of us can remember how to do and I am hoping to find the solution, we are using a Leapfrog 96 with the latest Zeros software installed.
Thank you.