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Posts posted by Ed75

  1. 2 minutes ago, Edward Z88 said:

    The Fixture Levels window can be used as a "track sheet", to allow you to edit cue values in spreadsheet form. This allows you to make a change to a value in a cue, and then decide whether to make the change cue-only or with tracking. 

    Yes, I am aware of this, I just wondered if one could change values (of the same attribute) in more than one cue at once.  I used to work with some lighting-sofware on a laptop which had this possibility in the "track sheet" . can be very convenient. If this is not possible I do not expect this to be changed, given the fact it is only an "outdated" Solution/Orb feature 

  2. Hi all,

    Managed to get my hands on a very reasonably priced near mint Solution. So at the moment I am discovering it, together with the possibilties of the Zeros software on it. 

    Last months I was too busy to get to updating my FLXS, so I updated both desks now to 7.13. 

    Both seem to work fine, and on the Solution I am discovering the handy things I sometimes miss on the FLXS.

    The FLXS has flawlessly run a pretty big theatre  show for it, last september/october, (10 "complicated" movers, of 2 different types, 10 LED wash movers, of 2 different types and about 32 dimmers) . The programming for this was mostly "on the fly" during rehearsals, and countless times I've done the "update-GO" action almost immediately followed by a "GO" for the next cue to appear. The FLXS never stopped , crashed or hiccuped or whatever.  This included triggering effect playbacks and so on. Great! 

    But Yes, programming could have been easier on an fullsize. (FLX or Solution) Now I finally found one nice Solution.

    Going through it, and trying to find everything, I found the "Fixture levels window"  Is this only a Solution thing? or also on the FLX? Couldn't really find the answer in the manual or this forum.

    Is there any possibility of selecting several cues and editing a value in all these cues at once? Like sort of spreadsheet behaviour? I couldn't find it, and maybe this is not possible, would be a nice feature. I can imagine it is not possible because of tracking-issues?  



  3. Thank you both for your answers. I knew the key features of the Solution , after reading all info, only some things which are not directly mentioned in the zeros or the solution manual were not clear to me. I just wondered if you have put some software-limitations into the Solution software, like on the FLX S range.

    And of course I am aware of the wing possibility, but being honest I think it's slightly  overpriced so to say....... which brings the step of buying a complete (used) desk a bit closer.

    A)  sometimes it is handy to have an extra desk B ) it gives me backup possibilities.

  4. After having a quick glance through this manual : I understand the preset faders (in channel mode) are only assignable to 1-address fixtures? (eg dimmers) ? Multi-channel fixtures need to be patched to the mfk's? or is this changed during some updates of zeros?

    The reason for these questions is I might consider searching for a Solution, because there is no need to switch pages then, between channel and playback mode, because of the seperate playbacks. Which is a little pain for me on the FLX range

  5. 10 minutes ago, Edward Z88 said:

    ZerOS would only snap the position of the lights in cue 2, if cue 2 had a 0 second position fade time.

    You're right I'm sorry about the 'snap' idea. But it WILL go play the effect then from the positions of the copied cue ?

  6. I didn't have the opportunty to try. The question what happens if between cue 1 and 2 are several more cues is the other question indeed.

    I think If there is position data stored in cue 1 and you copy it to cue 2 (with other cues in between) it will probably snap the lights to the position of cue 1 and play the effect from there.


  7. 23 hours ago, Techie_v2 said:

    The way I have tought myself to get round this is when recording the cue where the effect stops, is to turn smart tag off and them make sure the effect attribute is selected.

    I think this is the way indeed. You could make this cue an autofollow of course. 

  8. 37 minutes ago, Edward Z88 said:

    I presume this is the standard Orb, not OrbXF?

    It is. So I am aware of the (workflow) limitations at that point. 

    Thanks for your answer so far.

    The actual question is, will it be able to run the later (st) versions of ZerOS , and any idea of future support?

    And is it still able to cope with all new (more complicated) software and fixture patches? Or will it be slow and not really up to the task? (hardware wise) 

  9. Hi all.

    A reasonably priced ORB came up for sale. Complete incl. nice case etc. 

    Does it still make any sense investing in it? Mainly for theatre use, incl. some intelligent fixtures (movers)

    Will it be supported in ZerOS in the future?

    Due to Covid reasons I can not invest in anything fancier at the moment .

    Or just wait for better times and probably buy a full FLX?




  10. I use the following:


    Very handy and good screens , large angle of view, and work very fine. No drivers required.

    I use it with a dvi to hdmi cable. no problems.

    Screens are basically all the same except their diameter, and the material. (plastic or metal)

    I discovered lately they are also sold without the beetronics brand, on some far-east websites. Exactly the same monitors. saves a few bucks , and may be easier to find for you.

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 10/20/2021 at 10:22 AM, Edward Z88 said:

    There is an issue we are aware of, where if you set a playback back to HTP Master in the playback settings, the playback still functions with Manual Fade behaviour. This is the issue @kgallen mentions, which is logged as reference number ZOS-8363 on our software tracking system.

    Upon setting a playback back to HTP Master, you can copy it to another playback, and then back to the master playback, and it will use HTP Master behaviour correctly.

    Any updates on this? I checked in 7.10 and it still behaves this way.....For me it is not a very very big issue, but I know of a venue which considers buying FLX console(s) And I think it will be a problem for them. 

  12. regarding @delfine 's question in the FLX S section about adapting intensities in a cuelist , and regarding your last point in the questionnaire about dimmer curves: 

    Wouldn't it be possible to do this proportionally in your patch? I know of a sofware which uses this possibility, Very nice. 

    For example: fixture 1 to dmx 20@80 . this results in a proportional 80%.     Let's say this fixure is at 50% in a cue, so the result would be a dmx output of 40% .

    In this software your patch is spreadsheet like, so you can easily fill in your @xx in a special column . Patch first, then go through your show, and during this you can easily  adapt.

    I used it very much on a tour. You can adapt each fixture's intensity individually for the whole show. Specially if you come across different lights, different dimmers, different distances, it is a very handy way to adapt yor intensities. Even during a show I could go to my patch spreadsheet and make small corrections. 

    For zeros it could be an extra column in the patch list, with empty= 100% or any 0-99 value in it.

    Would this be possible in the zeros software like it is now? or is this a very different way of programming ?

  13. You can record an effect on a different playback.

    In your cue you can trigger this playback, and to stop it, you can release it in another cue.

    To do this:

    In your cuelist, you see a button right. "ADD"

    Select this. You will see a button "macros"

    Select this. You will see 3 "ADD" buttons with "Macros"  " Trigger cue stacks" Release cue stacks"

    Select ADD "Trigger cue stacks" , and you can choose which to Add. This way your effect will start running with this cue. 

    Select the ADD "release cue stack"  in a next cue to stop and release you effect.

    I always do it like this. You can easily edit your effect if you wish , (just edit your effect playback, or record a new effect on it) and you can run the effect as long as you want. (during different cues if you like) 

    Very easy.



     Vous pouvez enregistrer un effet sur une autre lecture.

    Dans votre repère, vous pouvez déclencher cette lecture, et pour l’arrêter, vous pouvez la relâcher dans un autre repère.

    Pour ce faire :

    Dans votre liste de repères, vous voyez un bouton à droite. « AJOUTER »

    Sélectionnez cette option. Vous verrez un bouton « macros »

    Sélectionnez cette option. Vous verrez 3 boutons « ADD » avec « Macros » « Trigger cue stacks » Release cue stacks »

    Sélectionnez ADD « Trigger cue stacks » , et vous pouvez choisir lequel ajouter. De cette façon, votre effet commencera à s’exécuter avec ce signal.

    Sélectionnez l’ADD « release cue stack » dans un repère suivant pour arrêter et libérer votre effet.

    Je le fais toujours comme ça. Vous pouvez facilement modifier votre effet si vous le souhaitez , (il suffit de modifier votre lecture d’effet, ou d’enregistrer un nouvel effet dessus) et vous pouvez exécuter l’effet aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez. (lors de différents indices si vous le souhaitez)

    Très facile.





  14. Legacy products in  use: A Contour 12 dimmerpack, and an Alcora. Last I nowadays actually only use as a test-dmx source in my storage . But still in good running order. 

    The Contour serves very well too. Sometimes in harsh conditions outdoors , no problems. And an nice unit, with all the menu-possibilities.






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