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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by zorp

  1. I have downloaded version 10.9. I have followed the installation procedure describe by K-Nine. The installation screen told me that i was installing version 13.3! It reached upto 98% after which the screen read 'Installation Terminated'. I Removed the floppy disk and -thankfully- the desk was still working but running version 10.4(From which i am trying to upgrade). I tried the whole process from the begining, i.e. downloaded the file again, used a new floppy etc. I got the same results. Can you tell me what i am doin wrong? Thanks!
  2. The wheel group button on my Leapfrog doesnt work(from the time we bought the console). I have to use the the pallet buttons to shift to different paramater pages in the pallet menue. We have two other similar consoles and they work just fine. Is there a way to activate this button?
  3. Hi Graham, If you could hold the training in Oman it would be very easy for everyone concerned to attend, i am sure the attendees would be able to take time off from their schedules even if its in Nov. You could mail me at tunes@omantel.net.om Regards, Croyden
  4. Hi, We have four frog desks here in oman that i know of. Including one we have supplied to a top school here. There are 8 people who are interested. If i know of the dates i could ask could put the word out on the street. There are many sirius series users who may be interested in joining the training as well. We have been harping about the benefits of upgrading to the frog series, a hands on experience for these guys could mean better business for us. I have been speaking to a few people here. It seems the first half of October would be ideal for everyone. Its Ramadhan here and there is a lul in the events buisness. Once Ramadhan is over(20th oct) it gets very busy here and a lot of people who would like to attend the training may not be able to do so. Regards, Croyden
  5. Will there be any trainning in the Middle Mast, preferably Dubai? We have a lot of people interested here.
  6. zorp


    If i recall correctly, it seems its just from the outputs when raising a submaster fader. Restarting the desk again doesnt solve the problem.
  7. zorp


    Well, i hope it doesnt doesnt happen again In both the cases the the submaster data was form different memories transfered to the submaster (trasnfer with no time). The memories in question were intact, so were the pallets and other data.
  8. zorp


    Hi Everyone, My first post here. I must say that the knowledge base at this forum is very impressive. Learnt a lot of nifty tricks just by reading the posts. We use a leap frog for a lot of our smaller gigs(with a broad range of Robe movers and Griven generics). On a couple of occassions now, the submaster data on the desk has dissappeared on restarting the desk. I had to reload the show form the floppy. Is this a bug, has anyone else come across this?
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