Hi Guys,
Thanks for your explanation.
I agree with most of you comments, but disagree at the same time. Let me explain:
The actual values are good to have, it makes it possible to be precise. especially when you want to type in the numbers by hand. But then again, when I want to be precise, these numbers are very hard to work with! exactly half of 540 or 100 is a lot easier than 32768.
You also mentioned that most of the time we'll be using pallets and look at the stage to see if it looks right. That is very true. But in that case, I don't need these specific numbers anymore.
I would really appreciate the option to choose the displayed values. in degrees, percentage or even just 0-255. That doesn't mean the steps in between should not be there, the just don't have to be displayed all the time.
Thinking about the MA1, Hog and compulite, this is the only console that uses these values. (AFAIK)
P.s. thanks for reviewing the keyboard.