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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by ice

  1. Why is it that the fixture brightness bar as shown in the submasters / memories screen only displays the brightness set on the wheels? It's a bit confusing: I had one of my fixtures at 100% via a submaster, but the FIX BR bar shows 24 times "--" instead of the actual output value. Is this supposed to be this way?
  2. ice

    Header memories

    When you could select them with by scrolling you'd have to implement actions with the go button (or error-messages). Also when walking through the memory-stack you would hit those memories and have to advance manually to the next one, that doesn't work I think. The memories should only exist for what they're made for, and all other functions should just skip these mems.
  3. The chases should continue as they were, but the output HTP levels should all be set to 0. So the chase just continues running, only output isn't there.
  4. Yeah it is, but I don't really care if the chase restarts or not (preferably it doesn't of course) I just want it to retain the speed I set. If I now alter it to go fast (while it was slow), and solo some other thing, it'll go slow again and I have to set the speed once again. That's the only thing which is bugging me.
  5. Okay, but fade times of 0.1 also don't seem to be 100% accurate, while that can't be a dmx problem right? Oh well, I solved it anyway, so it's not that big of a deal.
  6. When you playback a tapped memory and alter it by tapping the step button, the speed will change. Now solo another channel by pressing setting flash type to solo and pressing one of the other flash buttons. The output of the chase will be stopped as expected, but when you release the flash button, the speed will also be reset by the original speed as recorded in the memory. In my opinion the speed should remain at the tapped value until the fader is completely lowered again. Solo-ing any other channel should not affect the speed of the running chases.
  7. I know, but I've got some Palco's here: extremely fast led fixtures, and only use intensity / colour channels.. those are fast enough to keep up.
  8. The name field of the memories screen often is a bit too small. It would be nice if we could insert special "name" memories. These would be coloured name would contain only a name. You can't select them by scrolling, you can just alter the name by pressing F2->memories and entering Nx for a number. When you don't enter a name (or delete the current one) the memory will be deleted. Adding a name memory could done by pressing F2 and then press program. Advantage: you can create groups of chases (gobo/colour etc) or groups of certain memories (for example scenes in a play) without losing name information.... It could look like this for instance: N1 | Gobo chases 11 | full speed prism 12 | prism / open 13 | -- N2 | Colour chases 14 | red / blackout 15 | blue / yellow 16 | UV / red etc... or: N1 | Scene 1 01 | Full stage 02 | Focus left 03 | Blue wash 04 | Black Out N2 | Scene 2 05 | Full stage 06 | Song 07 | End Just a suggestion, I think it would increase readability of the memories screen because the overview is much better when you've got lots of memories.
  9. Exactly how accurate is the memory timing on Frog consoles? I've programmed a show to music and used some fade times of zero or close to zero (0.1, 0.2). I noticed these times aren't too accurate. For instance a fade time of 0.0 on memory 1 with an auto trigger to memory 2 should immediately go to 2 right? Since theres no fade time and no dwell. Instead of going there at once it needs some calculation time I think, and then it goes to the next memory. Okay, I understand I'm pushing the limits here, but I just wanted to point out a really well timed show is almost impossible when you've got to deal with these problems I've made some work-arounds with manual GO presses, now it works just fine.
  10. ice

    Loading pallets

    Did that one exist already? Didn't know that, sorry
  11. It could be a nice option to load just pallets for certain fixtures. That way one could make a floppy with pallets for all fixtures you're gonna use and those pallets can be loaded for the fixtures in your show. Saves a lot of work since you could load those pallets each time your doing a show with the same fixtures. Pallets should have somekind of a link to fixtures, I notice I program the same things over and over again. I now solved that with a default showfile containing only pallets for my fixture, but I do have to start with that show each time. Loading pallets would simplify these kind of problems.
  12. You can download a demo version from Cast Lighting. A full operational version is gonna cost you, WYG isn't cheap software!
  13. Make sure the manual dimmers (the control wheel) is set to 0 before you start using the memories! It's also possible the fixture brightness is stored in one of your submasters. Brightness channels are processed HTP, that means whichever part of the desk outputs the highest value "wins the race". So even if your memory is dimming to 0, when there manually set to 100% they'll stay at 100. Look as it as a fader (also HTP) being at 100%: it'll always output.
  14. Nope that can't be done. Programming individual parameters is not possible on current Frog series. Frog 2 can do this though!
  15. Sorry! I did mention I didn't want to be an ass about it
  16. Yeah, well I don't want to be an ass about this but that's your own fault. You should set up before showtime, even if it's the day before show if you can't get in. It's bad asking Zero for software upgrades for these things; there useless, take time and avoid other big things being implemented. Just make sure your desk is set up next time, and everything will be fine.
  17. Just curious, but why do you ask this? In my opinion your desk setup should be worked out long before the show, even before you start programming things. Once you've started that there's no function in Super User which you really have to use I guess. So what's up?
  18. The background screen should be locked, not the popup ones. At least that's my opinion; leave it as it is.
  19. If it was Frog 2 you wouldn't need it
  20. Hmm, so fixtures with multiple dimmer channels (like Mac Krypton) won't be supported in the current Frog range? How about Frog 2 which uses the same fixture files I guess?
  21. Yeah but how to connect it... don't think that's gonna happen
  22. Well if those parameters would be HTP it would be a nice solution, you can't hook up several dimmers to a single fixture, right?
  23. Like that the outputs would be recorded as LTP and not HTP... I don't think that's an easy solution
  24. Fairly large theatre productions just don't run on 48 channels, even when you've got some groups made up. There's always that director that comes asking for a little light over there, some floods here etc. etc.
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