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Everything posted by ice

  1. This hasn't got anything to do with understanding things or not. You're just way too lazy and don't want to find out things yourself. Thats why you're asking every question here instead of finding the information itself. Every question you asked until now is already answered in these forums or elsewhere on the Z88 website, so you could've just searched for the answer. But that doesn't seem to be part of your capabilities. Post some pictures of your shows here, I wonder how they look like. Sorry for flaming if Z88 doesn't agree with my opinion, but I'm getting real tired of this guy.
  2. ice


    But with a decent number of fixtures you have 2 possibilities: - simple chase with ugly movement - complex chase which is gonna take a lot of time programming Create 3 position pallets: "top" "middle" "bottom" and use these for programming, that's gonna save you a lot of time.
  3. Damn dude... you're on the Z88 website already, how much trouble is it to check out the products section and take a look at the mambo yourself. I don't get why u guys are actually answering these questions.
  4. ice


    You can use the effect generator to create a wave, using offset in a fan mode. You can't set it to run just once, if you really need that behaviour you need to program a chase containing a position wave but thats a lot more work. You could try using the memory stack: mem 1 = empty, fades into mem2 on "go" mem 2 = wave from shape generator, fades into mem 3 after x.x seconds, as long as your wave takes to finish mem 3 = empty again. Not sure if that would give you exactly the effect you need, but you could try.
  5. In the current situation it's possible to live edit the parameters of a chase, setting speed, direction, etc. But when you lower the fader (to temporarily stop an LTP chase for instance) all this information is lost and reset again. It would be a nice feature if the console would remember this data until something else is loaded onto the fader. For instance; run a chase on P1-01, lower the fader to 0, go to page 2 to do something with fader 10, return to P1 again and restart the chase... the parameters would stay the same. Only if we would run something on P2-01 as well than the saved parameters would be lost and reset to their programmed values.
  6. If it's not too much of a problem, maybe a beta or 10.0.1 version could be released updating this bug. It's really making the console a bit worthless in live situations. I'm also planning on giving my collegues a training course in about 2 weeks and it would be nice if this thing was fixed (and the other stuff implemented ). Any idea on an ETA for the update?
  7. (in Dutch) Als je Nederlands advies wilt: bel even met de TD van Rolight. Die zijn importeur van Zero88 in Nederland en weten dit misschien wel.
  8. Eeeh, I think they would notice some buttons aren't doing what they're supposed to do in 9.x I would go crazy if I didn't know these new features
  9. Playback is done by selecting the corresponding memory and hitting the "go" button. You can alter the chase parameters by using F3... hit F3 and then memories and now you can alter the speed, direction, attack etc. A second chase is set up in exactly the same way. Just select another memory and repeat the steps. You can assign chases to submasters with the "transfer no time" button located on the left of the main LCD. select the memory (chase) you want to copy and select the submaster you want to use. You can do this by pressing the flash button of that submaster for quick copying. Once copied, you can start your chase by raising the submaster, and stop it by lowering it again. Once again is it possible to change the parameters live: press F3 -> submasters and then the submaster button you wish to change. If you want to chase movement (also try the effect generator) and fade the steps, you'll have to set the desk up for this. While creating the chase (or editing it afterwards) you can choose "snap" or "fade" for colour/beamshape/position. Set position to "fade" and movement will be smooth.
  10. Used the new software for a show yesterday and this LCD bug is really annoying. Using some MAC250+ movers I touched beamshape, the display told me "focus" above the centre wheel. I sweeped it to 255 because I wanted to have blurry spots... nothing happend for 3 seconds and them all the bulbs were turned off. A look at the fixtures output screen told me I was working shutter instead of focus. This really needs to be fixed, couldn't use my movers for 10 minutes of the show
  11. Are you going to operate 2 desks, or will you have a fellow operator on the other mambo? I don't like working with 2 different consoles, unless the other one has an operator standing behind it who shares my view of operating. Would have gone for the hog 1000 in your case: nice opportunity to learn some other consoles now you've got a month for it. Maybe next time you'll be forced to work on one for some reason and then don't know what to do.
  12. Thats the idea! I see how this can cause confusion, I don't see why that should stop operators using the feature. For operators who don't like the individuality and have problems with it, there's still the option of tagging all the parameters or tagging the entire position group. For the ones who don't have problems this gives a full range of options. And if the speed of the movement you're playing is off and you don't know where that's coming from: just alter it!? It's LTP so whatever the off speed was coming from doesn't matter any more. I do assume there's going to be some kind of display to tell the operator where everything he's outputting from? Otherwise when you want to alter a scene you'd have to begin searching for all individual parameters and the scene's they're programmed in!? The current way of programming means that for instance the current colour you're displaying is coming from: submasters, memory X, a pallet or even the encoder wheels, that would be the same for speed, offset, etc. all individually. Sounds more cool than confusing, especially when the number of pallets was to be resized using the page flip buttons
  13. Why is the movement effect section of the individual programming grouped into one block? I was looking forward to the possibility of making some speed pallets, some for default fanning modes and 90/180/270 rotations. By using the fixture groups and those kind of pallets creating a totally new effect from existing stuff doens't take time anymore! I don't get the idea of the group of effects. The parameters should be individual and when the pallet doens't contain all the information needed for the effect, the current values could be used (default 0 for all parameters).
  14. I don't think the FX engine was written with the thought of changing position parameters, so that's probably why it isn't working. But your experiment is a good one, and you would probably expect the desk to be able to handle these kinds of things... some work to be done for the next update. When the movement effect is there, and you view the pan/tilt parameters: there's probably changing all the time, right? In that case the behaviour of the desk is similar to an old problem: it doesn't read the movement effect, but only processes it internally. You see changing pan/tilt parameters and as soon as you touch those you lose the effect. Software already had this problem before v10 (see other topics on this).
  15. ice

    dmx universe

    As stated in the manual: Good luck!
  16. If I'm not mistaken you need perform anyway for DMX-input, design doesn't have a live-tab, does it? So the only costs you're making are WYG-it... and that problem can be solved in other ways than the expensive Cast dongle.
  17. Newsflash: if you want Phantom Frog to interact with a visualiser, that means you have to buy that visualising package. The only thing you're saving money on is the DMX-in dongle, and that doesn't cost much (Enttec dongle works with capture and is only 50 dollars or so). So leave the Z88 guys at their work of developing cool consoles please. :twisted:
  18. A bit confusing since the interface allows the operator to tag different attributes for each step. You have to program a chase containing position info (all of it I guess), save and then edit it. Now edit the first step and select, for instance, a different pallet. Choose P<no> and save the step. Now go to the next step and edit that one. Press edit again without altering data, and the question "save changes" will come up again, at least it did with me :S Noticed that one too, but didn't know if this was supposed to happen or not. Edit: just checked on Phantom Frog and I can't reproduce it anymore either. Maybe the new programming layout already covers this problem?! If I'm able to reproduce in any way I'll send you the showfile.
  19. As I said: if you're willing to pay, why not buy a complete package with DMX-in?
  20. And you need licences from Cast to do these kinds of things, and of course those aren't free of charge.
  21. If that's the case, you should look into the information the consoles gives the operator about this, because there's no way of telling what you're doing since the fixture output screen is unreachable from within the edit mode. Maybe the edit screens could contain some information about which attributes are tagged througout the chase or something like that.
  22. Can't you guys just buy an already existing visualiser? If you want to spend some money on it there are several options out there, and every one that has DMX-in works fine with the Frog desks. I don't think zero will (they shouldn't) start working on a vis. Look at the one Avo came up with: it sucks. Just stick to capture, MSD, WYG or whatever vis you want to use.
  23. Okay, and how about indivudual tagging in each seperate chase step? I can't seem to figure out how the console deals with this. Is it possible to tag different fixtures / attributes / parameters for individual chase step? For instance: I alter the position of step 1 in a chase, the console asks if I want to save the position info. I choose: no. Now I edit step 2 and alter nothing. I save the step, console asks if I want to save changes (huh? what changes?!?) I choose yes... what's happening now? I don't get it
  24. Don't know if this is really a bug, but I do think so...! When a chase contains colour/beamshape/position data, the memories screen displays an F or S in the appropriate column for fading and snapping. When you alter the chase the console asks if you want to save colour/beamshape/position info. By answering "no" to these questions, it's possible to edit out attributes that we're recorded. Now if you alter a chase so that no colour information is recorded, you'd say the "colour" column of the memories screen gets cleared to indicate no colour information is recorded in that chase, but it doesn't. The F or S keeps on being displayed while there's no information of that kind stored. Is this implemented behaviour?
  25. Multiple MAC250's, but no other fixture types. The MACs were programmed with exactly the same parameters. Nice, I think half a second or so works better. Ah yeah, sorry I'm not into all the new features just yet If the time was reduced a bit that would solve my problem too. Okay, just checking.... the 10.0 version is great! Looking forward to the next update with move on dark functionality. Also I don't exactly get what u guys mean with tracking, what's that?
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