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  1. Ah yes i think that must've been it, in realizzer you can change the universe, i had it set to universe 1, but it was coming through on universe 2 (i assume becuase realizzer universe 1 is artnet universe 0, etc..) Thank you so much for all your help, greatly appreciated.
  2. At the moment for testing I only have 72 dimmers patched (as we have 72 dimmer channels). My showfile is attached below. Thanks. ArtNet Test.isf
  3. Yes they are. In the picture attached is what i see in DMX Workshop, my computer is on and the FLX is on Yes on the FLX it says that it's DHCP IP address is and that it is transmitting artnet on IP address Thanks
  4. I'm trying to control Realizzer 3D at the moment and i also want to control resolume in the future. Yes these are routed 1:1. They are connected over a network with an ethernet switch and a dhcp server. Thanks.
  5. bungeefield

    Art-Net on FLX

    Hi all, I have an FLX console, and i am trying to output all the universes over artnet, however even though artnet is enabled and all the universes are configured with their artnet universes i cannot pick up the artnet anywhere. DMX Workshop says "? Input 1: [] Universe: 1 - No Data (Dest: Art-Net)" and ArtNetominator detects the node (the are lots of them) but it doesn't receive any data. I am running the latest version of ZerOS (7.9.7) Sorry if I'm missing something or not understanding it, any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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