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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Rob McDonald

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Everything posted by Rob McDonald

  1. Thank you Edward and Davidmk. Your advice and support is much appreciated. Kind regards. Rob
  2. Hi, I am having a problem connecting my laptop to my flx24. I have done it in past, but can't do it now. I have enabled devices on the console, checked the ip address etc. On my laptop I have set the static ip address to match the console's ip address and the mast has auto populated correctly. I have not put anything in the default gateway ? What have i done wrong or missed ? Thanks Rob
  3. Hi Edward, thank you, very much appreciated. Rob
  4. Hi kgallen, thanks for the feedback. I just tried the link again but it takes me to nothing. This seems weird as everything else on the page works ? Thanks anyway, much appreciated. Cheers, Rob
  5. Hi, I am sending this fixture profile request here, as when I click on the other link to request it, it does not seem to work ? I am hoping you still offer this service. I have the latest software version on my Flx24. Kind regards and thank you. Rob 152.120-IGNITE740-Wash-Moving-Head-Zoom-7x40W-V1.0 (1).pdf
  6. Thanks Davidmk, appreciate the answer. I think you are right. Funny how if often takes someone else to jog your memory. Cheers, RobπŸ˜€
  7. Hi, I have just updated the latest software onto my FLx24. I have noticed on the first cue of the cue stack now the first cue has no 3 sec fade time appear ? The following cues all have the default time ? Thank you. Rob
  8. Hi, just wondering what the best Cat patch cable is for connecting flx to laptop ( I am currently using a cat 5 cable). I noticed when looking to get a new one that there are Cat cables of 6, 7 and 8 etc. Many thanks Rob
  9. Thanks so much guys. Really appreciate your advice. Rob
  10. Hi, What is the best way to start a show. Power the FLX first or power the fixtures first ? Thanks Rob
  11. Good morning, my question is: when you save a show to USB, if you leave the USB in the console while working on a show will it automatically update the USB show file like the console automatically updates your changes as you go ? Thank you. Rob
  12. Thank you Edward. This worked not problem.πŸ˜ƒ Out of interest if I decide to use my tablet as a remote I assume I need to purchase a a wireless router. Is this correct ? If so do you suggest any particular model or brand. Thanks Rob
  13. Thanks Edward. I have followed all your instructions but I still am having problems. I have enabled the remote app on my console and static IP address. I have clicked on "Use the following IP address" on my laptop and put in the IP address that appears on my console When I click on OK and then go to the remote app and open it I just get the box with nothing in it, no automatic fill. I try typing in FLXS24 into name then to address and No to password. The mode is set to monitor. When I click on connect, I just get a black blank monitor screen with ZerOS monitor on top left hand top corner. Am I doing something wrong. Thank you. Rob
  14. Hi, I am trying to connect my laptop to use as a monitor and keyboard to my flx24. I have downloaded the app and info on how to do it. I am struggling with the ip address bit. On the app do I type flx24 in the first box then the ip address in the next box ? But which ip address, my pc's ip address (which I have found) or the ip address of my console. Then what next? Sorry if I am missing something or this is a really basic question, I am using Windows 10 on my laptop
  15. Hi, is it okay to just pull the flash drive out of the USB port after you have saved a show on it, or is there some process you are meant to use to eject it ? Thank you.
  16. Hi. Can you connect a monitor to the FLx24 (not a touch screen) via one of the 2 USB ports ?
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