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Rob McDonald

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Rob McDonald last won the day on August 24

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  1. Hi all. I have downloaded new versions of the Zeros monitor for windows 2 times and it still asks me for a password to open it. ( Does it still remember my old password even when I delete the old version of the app ? I don't ! Rob
  2. You always knocked up a fixture profile so quick, and your advice was worth its weight in gold. I sincerely hope Veri Lite realize what they are losing. I hope you remain in the industry, you are too good to lose. Thank you so much for all the support you have given me and ultimately the theatre group and audiences who benefited from it. All the best Edward. Rob McDonald
  3. Thank you Edward and Davidmk. Your advice and support is much appreciated. Kind regards. Rob
  4. Hi, I am having a problem connecting my laptop to my flx24. I have done it in past, but can't do it now. I have enabled devices on the console, checked the ip address etc. On my laptop I have set the static ip address to match the console's ip address and the mast has auto populated correctly. I have not put anything in the default gateway ? What have i done wrong or missed ? Thanks Rob
  5. Hi Edward, thank you, very much appreciated. Rob
  6. Hi kgallen, thanks for the feedback. I just tried the link again but it takes me to nothing. This seems weird as everything else on the page works ? Thanks anyway, much appreciated. Cheers, Rob
  7. Hi, I am sending this fixture profile request here, as when I click on the other link to request it, it does not seem to work ? I am hoping you still offer this service. I have the latest software version on my Flx24. Kind regards and thank you. Rob 152.120-IGNITE740-Wash-Moving-Head-Zoom-7x40W-V1.0 (1).pdf
  8. Thanks Davidmk, appreciate the answer. I think you are right. Funny how if often takes someone else to jog your memory. Cheers, RobπŸ˜€
  9. Hi, I have just updated the latest software onto my FLx24. I have noticed on the first cue of the cue stack now the first cue has no 3 sec fade time appear ? The following cues all have the default time ? Thank you. Rob
  10. Hi, just wondering what the best Cat patch cable is for connecting flx to laptop ( I am currently using a cat 5 cable). I noticed when looking to get a new one that there are Cat cables of 6, 7 and 8 etc. Many thanks Rob
  11. Thanks so much guys. Really appreciate your advice. Rob
  12. Hi, What is the best way to start a show. Power the FLX first or power the fixtures first ? Thanks Rob
  13. Good morning, my question is: when you save a show to USB, if you leave the USB in the console while working on a show will it automatically update the USB show file like the console automatically updates your changes as you go ? Thank you. Rob
  14. Thank you Edward. This worked not problem.πŸ˜ƒ Out of interest if I decide to use my tablet as a remote I assume I need to purchase a a wireless router. Is this correct ? If so do you suggest any particular model or brand. Thanks Rob
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