Hello Support-Team,
since i purchased my FLX S24 in May 2019 i get quite frequent (approx. every second boot, mostly when starting the console freshly after some minutes or longer Off-Time)
Co-Processor errors prompted during startups. Multiple Software updates didnt help. Also when unplugging my USB-hub and Eth-Router i can observe this behaviour.
The result of spotting such a Co-Processor Error is a non-functional console.
The buttons, faders and display is "laggy" compared to normal operation and DMX output is completely random.
Errors encoutered so far in descending order of frequency:
Communication Errors reported by Co-Processor: 1, 0, 0, 0
3, 0, 0, 0
5, 0, 0, 0
Errors may occur during both phases: "Initialsing..." and "Load Show"
Did you hear of the issue yet? Does my console have a hw-fault? May i return it in replacement of another console?