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Everything posted by DALX

  1. Had to fix a FLXS48 today, the clear led was staying on, the operator said that it was initially taking a while to clear but after a day of use the clear button did not clear, they had to power reset the desk to clear the clear function. I reloaded ZerOS 7.14 and the clear is working again, no clue as to what caused the fault. I have reloaded their show, left the desk on for an hour to see if it was heat related, but the fault has not reappeared. It is in a clean, airconditioned school theatre. Camp Rock.zos
  2. If you are using the system dmx output monitor, you may also need an external dmx monitor, in case it was a desk output problem. I have not had a problem with using the desk system dmx monitor, I find it a useful feature. As the fixtures have been responding since reprogramming the show, it appears to rule out a dmx cable, unless you have moved a cable, which may have "cured" the fault.
  3. I was helping look at the unwanted colours that occur when fading between two cues in a show where the Colour Timing had been set to 0 secs so was causing snap cue colour transitions and unwanted colour morphing as can be seen in this DropBox video. Pymalion 0 sec Colour Time . Another unwanted effect was the Event Lighting Pixerbar12Hex doing linear colour shifts along the bar. I experimented with extending the Colour Fade Time and found that if you use a Colour fade Time of Cue Fade Time plus 4 seconds, most of the colour morphing did not occur, the led bars colour faded smoothly and the only manual adjustment was presetting house curtain wash colours in the blackout preceding the curtain wash, as a preset in black. See end results in this DropBox video. Pygmalion Colour Time is Cue Time plus 4 seconds .
  4. On the bottom of the Front Panel view it has Right click to press-and-hold.
  5. One thing I noticed when doing compilation was in the Piety mood folder Lee 707 was incorrectly labeled as ultimate frost which should be ultimate violet. I use ultimate violet as a brighter colour than Lee 181 congo blue. The andoid Lee Filters app has Lee 707 as Ultimate Violet. No uppercase in mood boards but uppercase in other sources.
  6. I am using the Pluto 2000 at a show in a UWA theatre, they were patched into an ION desk using the etc library. The Pluto 2000 strobed when trying to use pan so it looks like an undocumented firmware change in the display control board in three Pluto 2000 zoom wash I recently replaced. Wil have to chase up the service centre. The fixtures worked ok in 16 channel mode on the ION. Will have to wait 2 weeks to do more tests as The Gondoliers starts a 2 week season on Thursday.
  7. I have been trying another way to find colours within Lee Filters Mood Boards and have cut and pasted the moods with a description for each one from the Lee Filers web site and The Art Of Light publication. I have not done the Inspired By ones yet. Lee Mood Boards ZerOS 7 Screenshots.pdf
  8. I have patched three ProShop Pluto 2000 (also called LEDMOV530) into my FLXS24. There is no light output when I first put the fader to max, when I select a colour using the Colour tab I get a light output of that colour. But the light is flickering or strobing. I have looked at the strobe channel encoder wheel and it has a default of 0%. How do I extract a fixture file from the ZerOS Library to view the channel details using the Fixture Type Editor. Is this the correct way to confirm the Pluto2000 Person2 fixture file channels match the manual. Thanks. LEDMOV530 - Pluto 2000 Wash Manual.pdf
  9. The default setting for when creating a fixture for Strobe is 255 but most fixtures want a default setting of zero. I set this default to zero when creating a new fixture, but occasionally forget to and have to go back and edit the default value for strobe to zero. The manual for your bar shows strobe as 0...255 Stroboscopic effect (o% to 100%)
  10. I have a FLXS48 with the second universe and want to run shows on PhantomZerOS, how do you configure it to have 1024 channels please ?
  11. I use a FLXS48 for most shows and run most shows from Master Playback which allows the desk to stay in Channel mode. If I make a change to side lights colour during a cue using channels control, I can save changes using Update > Master Playback or discard changes made by tapping Clear twice when I go onto the next Master Playback cue. If I am using my FLXS24, I use a laptop as external monitor so I can use the laptop to see the Faders screen for better viewing and control. I have a touch screen laptop.
  12. Thanks kgallen and Edward, time to work on my colour palettes again !
  13. The non availability of a colour swatch is something that I was not aware of until I last night. How do you make a colour palette available to all fixtures , is there a global apply to all or do I select one of each fixture type when building up my colour swatches? My question is why does the swatch colour appear on 21C L601 Silver but not 22C L332 Special Rose Pink or 22C, 23C, 24C, 25C. I tried shortening the colour name to one line but that did not make the colour swatch appear.
  14. I was making up a colour palette for a show and was wondering why some colour swatches appear for some Mood Board colours, but not others ?
  15. I was not able to find Delete Fixture using the ZerOS Online Manual using FLXS48 as the variant , I hade to use the left hand menu Patching > Fixture Schedule > Deleting Fixtures . Patching was on the second page of search results, which had Find Out More ... Fixture Schedule which had Click To Find Out More About These Fixture Schedule Subjects ... Deleting Fixtures Thanks for the help and quick replies.
  16. Thanks Jon Yes it is in a better location, now to read through the release notes.
  17. I searched for Delete Fixture FLXS48 in ZerOS online manual and did not get a direct result. The previous option of Delete is missing when you use Setup > Select Address and you only get an UNPATCH option. I am currently using Setup > Select Address (single or column) > Unpatch > OK then select Unpatched Fixtures > Delete Key > OK to delete What am I missing please ?
  18. Finally got time to start looking at ZerOS 7.14 as I was curious if the DMX Input option allowed FLX S to act as a dmx merge. It is only working on individual channels at present so for fixture 1 which happens to have dimmer as channel 1, I can control intensity, but no colour change (sad emogi). Can DMX IN eventually be expanded so fixture 1 of one desk can control all attributes of fixture 1 on another desk ? I guess it have have to use the network port to allow handshaking to confirm that the fixtures are identical ? Thanks for OSC control and other improvements.
  19. I have it on a tablet so I can use the hyperlinks.
  20. Thanks Edward, I would not have found Add As Additional, but it works as described and will be a practical feature for future shows. What I was looking for is a discovery feature where RigSync can show what channels the fixture is using for what function, before the patching is done. It may not be practical as the Regal Theatre does not have RDM enabled to prevent their fixtures being readdressed, RDM has to be manually patched to the lighting bars.
  21. I was not sure of a suitable heading, but here is the story. I did a Dance Festival on Sunday, two shows in one day, 22 items in first show and 24 items in second show. Sorting out music track submissions onto a thumbdrive in correct playing order took a lot of time and left me short of lighting prep time. The show was at the Regal Theatre in Subiaco, western Australia, where they use an etc Gio desk with several hundred fixture numbers, including 120 dimmer channels, that I wanted to fit onto 96 channel faders. I created a multicell fixture for two TourPro ZOOM PAR JNR in 8 channel mode, so I could control two high side lights on one fader, which worked well. I also created a multicell fixture file for three Ovation 915FC fresnels in 14 channel modes so I could control them on one fader. There are three Ovation 915FC on each of the four LX bars, used as top light, so I thought this would be an easy way of creating down stage chase effects, using four faders. Unfortunately this fixture file was not successful as I used the 14ch chart in Rev.8 manual which is very different to Rev10 manual. Is it possible to use Rigsync (RDM) on a FLXS48 to view the dmx channels of a fixture to see what they are ? It would have been nice to have my multicell fixture profile verified but I cannot see it being feasible as the fixture file name I used was 915FCx3, so it would not allow for a match to be found in the ZerOS library. The Ovation 915FC 14ch fixture in the current library is the same as the regal fixtures ! When we patched three Ovation 915FC to use as individual channel faders, we saw the different dmx channels and as I had 12 channel faders available, we were able to make of the stage chases. The multicell fixture is a useful desk feature and worked well for the TourPro ZOOM PAR JNR and Event Lighting Pixelbar12X12 LED Bars, I paired them also. I was reducing the fader count on my FLXS48 by making 3 and 6 channel multicel dimmer fixtures, but some of the dimmer channels I wanted to pair up were 2 channels apart, so were not consecutive. Is it feasible to patch multiple dmx channels under one fader ? This is done on a few conventional desks I have from Jands and LSC. Ovation_F-915FC_UM_Rev8.pdf Ovation_F-915FC_DMX_Chart_Rev5.pdf
  22. I asked Edward about using a custom fixture to control multiple dimmer channels with one channel fader. This is Edwards reply to my email However, you may find it easiest to use a multicell fixture for this. There are several multi-intensity multicell fixtures already in the ZerOS Library. The Filtering in Add Fixtures can be used to find one that’s suitable. For example, tap SETUP -> Add Fixtures -> Add Filter. I have then added a filter to show all 24-channel fixtures, where each channel is an intensity parameter… could not embed picture As can be seen, 2 fixtures meet this criteria. Please see the link below for more information on filtering… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/add-fixtures/searching-filtering#filtering Once you have added a filter, click OK, and then choose a fixture to patch. Once patched, it can then be renamed in the Fixture Schedule if required. You could also even export the fixture with a custom name if required. Please see the link below for more information… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/add-fixtures/edit-export I will be trying this out in the venue tomorrow morning. Using multicell fixtures saves channel faders, allows you to treat the dimmer rack as a group but still allows individual access to each dimmer when required. I will be busking a dance festival with 60 items in one day so I will have to prerecord everything into playbacks and groups, as there is no time to plot on the day.
  23. Very useful thank you Edward.
  24. Thank you Edward, it certainly does help. I tried searching for this but did not find a direct answer, so I have a word document to keep track of these useful snippets.
  25. Can you determine what channel mode a fixture is patched at ? It is easy to determine if there are several patched by looking at the Address in Fixture Schedule, but it is not obvious if it is the last fixture, unless I patch something after it to see the Addresses.
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