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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Posts posted by Romec

  1. Hi guys, 

    I would like to see a update where it is possible to:

    -MOVE things instead of just copy it (pallets / cues) 
    -controle the actual speed of a Fx on a submaster
    -maybe even have a executer window 

    I am actually stunned that the first 2 options are not available on the FLX. 
    Every other console / operation system has this feature. 

    What do you guys think?? 

  2. Hi Edward, 


    thank you so much for your help. It has been very helpful! 


    About the speed, is this utilized when a macro needs a bit more time to execute? Or what would be the purpose of slowing down the macro? 

  3. Hi Edward. 


    Thank you for your advise. 

    I have a whole lot more questions now. Let’s see if I can write them down

    1: if I made a macro. Can I change it afterwords? And can I see the command-feedback (so that I know what I did) 

    2: so a macro can only contain 1 string of commands, right? 

    3: what would be the right syntax if I would overwrite a preset? (EG: fixture X at preset Y , store / overwrite) 


    thats it it for now  

    thank you! 


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