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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by Tassal

  1. I sent an email to the Forum admins about 7 minutes after the last spam appeared but it was only removed 17 hours later. I agree with the 'superuser' idea for spam removal. I used to do this for another forum I belonged to.
  2. I expect I am one of the older (age) members of the Forum doing my first stage lighting in January 1975 when I was 19. In the 50 years since I have hired and owned many types of lighting desks including those from Zero 88. For 12 years I was using an American computer based desk which was fine untill the company was taken over and things started to change. Support staff left and software development slowed to a crawl. At this time I knew I had to change and along came the FLX S48 which a school I was working in had just bought. Afterwards I went to one of the Zero 88 roadshows at Exeter University and shortly afterwards bought my own because I liked it so much. Fast forward 6 years and I am sorry to see the main support team change so much. I wish everyone well in their new ventures. I hope this is not the thin edge of the wedge. Best wishes to everyone for their productions for 2025. I hope you all enjoy things as much as I do for many years to come. With kind regards Trevor Steer
  3. I don't know about the Art-Net node but I find Thomann as a company are excellent. I have been using them for over 20 years. Their equipment has a three year guarantee. Last year I had two led lanterns fail that I had had for two and a half years. One call to Thomann to report the problem and they sent me prepaid postage labels to send them back for repair and they were sent back to me about three weeks later. I am UK based.
  4. Tassal


    There is some Spam on the Power section of the forum.
  5. Thank you for your help and support.
  6. Update. I have been able to cure the problem but I still do not know what was causing it. I went through every Cue in the master playback and modified each by inserting and removing the houselight lanterns. I tried the houselights before and after every modification and the flashing was not present after each modification. My best guess would be that somehow even though the lanterns were not programmed into a cue an effect associated with those lanterns was. It would be nice to know if it was me, my desk or a software problem. I have sent the support team a copy of my modified showfile for comparison. Thank you.
  7. I have a S48 2u running 7.14.2. I have set up a show with cue stack on master playback and have house lights which are 4ch led par64 on playback 31. House lights are used a lot as it is a very small venue and a lot of action happens in the aisle. Everything is fine with the houselights untill I run a cue on the master playback which has a number of led lanterns on the stage running a Kaleidoscope effect. After this cue has been run when I raise playback 31 the par 64's quickly cycle through colours building to the correct colour and level. This only happens after the cue is run. The houselights are not in any cue on the master playback. When the desk is powered down the house lights return to mormal until that cue is run again. Has anyone any ideas. Thank you.
  8. Thank you for your prompt reply. 😁
  9. I was useing the internal touchscreen to name cues and i found i had some letters missing even though the keys work is this a known problem. I have a FLX s48 2u and am running 7.13 Zeros. I will reload the sofrware next week after my show finishes and report back. I have enclosed pictures of upper and lower case screens for you to see. It is the J and £ on the upper case screen that are missing.
  10. I used my FLX S48 last weekend for the first time in 20 months and I was concerned about the desk freezing which it has done a couple of times in the two years since I bought it so I fed through my old DA converter (I went fully digital over all the lockdowns) which has a DMX hold facility. This gave me a bit of peace of mind.
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