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O Thompson

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About O Thompson

  • Birthday 05/07/1987

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  1. Thanks for the response Edward, i hope you are well too? Please see an older show file attached. I have disabled all of the protocols except dmx, with no change. We have no other consoles (digital or otherwise) connected... Generic 2023.zos
  2. Morning all, I've recently updated the firmware on my FLX console. It was a pretty significant jump, having not updated for the past 2 years... I now have some odd behaviours that i can't explain, and the only way to resolve them is to clear the desk and reprogram (which i am trying to avoid). I'll try to explain this as best i can. Some context... I have a generic show file that is used for most events in the venue. This worked fine prior to the update, and also worked find via capture after the update. i have a mixture of dimmed fixture (DMX 7-24), LED's and non dims (DMX 1-6) added to the console with a number of playbacks to control them. I have also programmed all RGB LED fixtures to allow for colour mixing. The non dims are set to "on" as default, so they come on when the console is powered up. The odd behavior is that none of the fixtures seem to work via playback or as individual channels. The non dims are also now "off" despite showing as on, and oddly they will trigger on then off at random DMX value when using the control wheel for the load of each non dim channel (CH 2371-2376). Furthermore, when using alternative channels, such as the dimmed fixtures (CH 7-12), the non dims trigger on and off at random values when the dimmed fixture channel faders are raised / lowered... but the dimmed fixtures dont function and are not on the same DMX address. If I clear all playbacks and fixtures, and add JUST my dimmed fixtures again, despite having different dmx addresses, the non dims and the dimmed fixture go to full as soon as they are added. However when i hit setup, the non dims go off and the dimmed fixtures act as expected. I can repeat this process with other fixture, and the non dims always seem to be triggered on with any dmx value / fixture i add, until i hit setup and return to show control. If i fully clear the desk and start from scratch, i intermittently get the same issue, but it seems to only affect the non dims when i add the first lot of new fixtures, after hitting setup once to return to show, and then go back to add fixtures again, i don't seem to have the same fault. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? I have attached the show file in case there is something there that is off, if anyone has the time or inclination to take a look... Kind Regards Olly Generic 2024.zos
  3. Morning all, I have pre plotted a show virtually, using capture. unfortunately, the movers on the virtual rig are rigged at 180 compared to the real rig... I don't have the option of simply rotating the rigged lights, but i have already programmed some intricate moves for scenes of the show. Rather than having to redo this, is there a way to invert the programmed data? I have tried inverting the fixture in the setup menu but it seems the desk anticipates this and applies the inverted setting to the playbacks, so my issue remains.
  4. ah... that would do it. Over sight on my part. Thanks
  5. Hi Folks, Its been a while and I hope you are all safe. I wanted to know if there is a way to prevent the blackout and grandmaster from affecting specific channels? Reason for this is... I have some moving heads, powered by colour source dimmers. The dimmers are set to relay, so that they "turn on" when a fader on the FLX is above a specified threshold (10%). I have patched the relays to the FLX and changed the default intensity of those channels to 100%. This means the moving heads are powered whenever I turn on the FLX. Now I want to utilise the grand master / blackout functions, but obviously this falls below the relay threshold and the moving heads lose power. Is there a way to set a channel safe option, removing them from the blackout function?
  6. Thanks, Ill give that a go.
  7. Thanks for the reply, Your suggestion, i think, is similar to my initial set up of using a 1 shot chase on a playback, built on similar cues... Firstly, I have found that if i only use 2 cues in the stack... Cue 1 - Fixtures fade to 0% Cue 2 - Fixtures move, change to white and fade up to 40% Then the following happens... Fixture fade to 0, then fixture fade to 40% whilst moving. So the move is still visible. If i do the following... Cue 1 - Fixtures fade to 0% Cue 2 - Fixtures move Cue 3- Fixtures Change to white and fade up to 40% This works as required, but should cue 2 in this case be necessary? or should "move on dark" negate the need for this? Moving on, how would i reverse this? if i lower the "piano" playback, I want the fixtures to fade out, move back to the position (of which ever playback is active) and then fade up again (unless the previous playback has altered / relased)? Is this possible? As it stands, releasing the piano playback will result in a live move of the fixtures to the previous playbacks state. Finally, Can i set the "piano" playback as "Always Takes Precedent"? For example, i have multiple washes using the mentioned moving head fixtures. The current solution allows me to "borrow" some of those fixtures for my piano. But... if i then want to change the wash light on stage, whilst still keeping my piano light, i cant. The fixtures will be taken over by any other playback using the fixtures...
  8. On top of this, is there an option to set a playback as "always has precedent"? for example if i run the playback described above, i dont want my piano light to be taken over by a wash playback? i want the piano playback to stay active until released?
  9. Im fairly sure this isnt a simple request, however... Let me try and set the scene... I have some moving heads used as wash lights. They are rigged FOH and provide down stage wash. I have a number of playbacks using these fixtures to create varying colours of wash on stage. On top of this, i have a couple of override playbacks (LTP) that "borrow" 2 or more of these moving heads for a piano light, focused in the auditorium. I have tried to do this using a cue stack turned into a 1 shot chase, which works for the initial move to the piano, although its a little glitchy and time consuming. selected fixtures fade. selected fixtures move to new position. selected fixtures choose colour. selected fixtures fade up. Is there anything i can do to alter the behaviour of the "release" of this playback? so that when the the fixtures fade down, move to previous position and fade back up? rather than simply move and alter colour "live"
  10. Ha! just got it back from repair so i hope not...
  11. Thanks Edward, Much appreciated as always.
  12. ok, so by loading capture before zeros, and then toggling between the PC ip and the ip on the universes section of the FLX phantoOS, i get control... not sure why the toggle between ip's is needed. but in this case it works.
  13. Right... found a setting under the "universes" tab of setup that allows me to alter the IP for CITP. this works with the Dockhouse demo, but not when im creating a new project... is there a specific setting in capture that i might be missing?
  14. I actually had it working quite successfully with the physical console. However in that case it was on an isolated network. We have a separate network setup in the venue for remote control of the FLX and X32 consoles, which allows me more control over the IP allocations.
  15. ah ok. In that case, on the FLX sim there is no "visualiser" option. I have already enabled remote apps in devices (is this required) and selected the IP option.
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