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  1. You can record any combination of lights to a single Playback or "Multi Function Fader" (MFF), and when the desk Fader Function is in "Playback" mode (which sounds like you are), the button below each MFF should act as a Flash button by default (it's function can be changed: Hold SETUP and press the button). However, I can't immediately think of a way how you can make this button act as a 'reverse' flash button. Perhaps a 'Latch' might work with a couple of extra button presses? As you've probably experienced, if the Fader Function is in "Channels" mode, the button acts as a select key, rather than Flash in this instance.
  2. Strand LD90 Dimmers. Yes, DMX outputs window would have been a good idea to check, but I'm pretty sure the FLX was doing what I thought it should be! I'll have to dig the desk out and have a look at what it is doing. Great, thanks!
  3. Evening all, I'm back after another successful week at the theatre with the FLX. Encountered a rather peculiar bug(?) or gremlin in the theatre infrastructure (in which case ignore this post) but the house technician hadn't seen this before..! I had a Fresnel on LX1, Channel 101. When running my rig check each day "1 Thru 812" and slowly dialled up the intensity encoder, this Fresnel would not illuminate. When selecting 101 only and setting intensity, fixture comes on. If I selected my Fresnels group, all Fresnels expect 101 illuminates, even though the output window suggests it should be on. Fresnel 101 also did not respond to cues within the Master PB. I ended up resolving this by physically plugging the Fresnel into a nearby dimmer circuit, and re-patching the desk, which then resolved all issues (so this makes me suspect it could be a dodgy infrastructure issue) however as mentioned earlier the house tech, who runs an ETC Ion, has never seen this behaviour before. Any thoughts? Completely unrelated, is there anyway the desk can calculate total cues (including . cues)? I know there is a 'last cue' number in the PB view, but this number does not include . cues. (Purely for bragging rights with my local lighting folk..! ) Thanks, Alex
  4. Thanks again both. Will keep that guide to hand on the tech Kevin!
  5. Resurrecting this thread as I have a similar query for a similar set up this year. I will have a large number of pixels once again, different venue but similar idea. I've pre-patched these as mutli-cell fixtures (10 'cells' in each fixture). I've tried to record an effect where the cells of each fixture chase 1 thru 10 (I.E. 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, etc chase through to 1.10, 2.10, 3.10, 4.10) When in the programmer, this acts as expected, the cells chase through intensities 0-100%, I then record this as a custom effect palette, however when re-calling palette this the intensity is only 0-50% and displays the figures in yellow within the Output Window. Any direction as to what I have done wrong in the process? A bit rusty on the controls since the last show in June..! Snip as an example:
  6. Perfect thanks! Like a dunce I was trying to 'turn' the encoders with my cursor - that will explain the odd control I was experiencing!
  7. Anyone got some good hints for manipulating the FLX Encoders when using Phantom ZerOS? I often struggle to understand how these are supposed to be used with a mouse (or is there some secret keyboard snytax?) - perhaps someone can enlighten me! 😅 Thanks Alex
  8. How much do we pay you @Edward Z88 to sit next to you at the production desk and absorb all this wisdom?! 😅 I've just recently finished a week of 'The Wind In the Willows' on the FLX, and although it was relatively a pain free experience, I still felt awfully clunky programming - practice makes perfect and all that..! It was quite the beast for me, a new venue to LD in, ~200 fixtures in total, resulting in about ~200 cues by the final performance!
  9. I did try which didn't make a difference at the time, however... I have since dismantled the monitor, and given the optical sensors and reflectors a good clean, and currently (fingers crossed) the monitor is now working correctly both on PC and FLX! Sorry for the wild goose chase, dodgy hardware after all!
  10. Hi Edward, I've re-plugged my touch screen into my PC and this is also now unresponsive - so I unfortunately assume the touchscreen element of the monitor is on the way out Thanks for the troubleshooting tips anyway!
  11. Hi Edward, Unfortunately still no response. Iiyama ProLite T2252MTS. As suggeted by DALX, I tried downgrading to 7.12 & 7.11 - still both with no reponse, so maybe I'm wondering if it could be my monitor again after all?
  12. No response from the desk, I try and tap on the first calibration point (and areas around it) and it doesnt detect any touch. I have previously confirmed the monitor is functional when connecting it to my Win 10 PC.
  13. Hi Edward, I assume it is detecting it, as "0408:3008" disappears when I unplug the USB connection to the monitor.
  14. Hi Edward, Is this a known issue on FLX as well? My current touch screen wasn't working, then it was, and now it is not again! (Running ZerOS 7.13) Thanks Alex
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