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  1. Darren @DMH, Ryan @RJP any thoughts on the matter, is this a bug? I also cross posted to the Facebook group, someone called Bobby who also appears to work at Vari-lite left me with no solution either. Disappointed at the new 'service' level!
  2. Update as promised: Using the personality in the desk, and when viewing the DMX Output charts under the Z Key, the values corresponding to CMY remained on '0' even after changing colour parameters, or running colour effects etc. Definitely confirmed it was a personality error at this point. So using the inbuilt fixture editor, I took a copy of the existing personality and amended the CMY control channels to be 'Other Colour' control parameters. This worked and enabled the encoders to control the CMY parameters, however colour palettes or picker didn't work as the desk didn't know what colour they actually were. So I then edited the 'copied' personality, changed the 'Other Colour' parameters back to CMY, which then worked as it should have done so in the first place. I now have full control of CMY, using colour palettes or the colour picker! No idea what was going on, but quite the oddity and an annoying time sponge trying to resolve! Either related or unrelated, I also had the desk crash four times throughout plotting, so will forward on the crash reports to the team after the show is done. Thanks again all for suggestions, research, and the created fixture profile @kgallen
  3. Have fixed.. full update tonight. Thanks both!
  4. Hi all, Hoping our new moderators, or other skilled & experienced users may be able to assist. Ideally need to sort before programming starts tomorrow at midday (GMT). I have hired four Martin Mac Quantum Profiles, running in extended (27ch) mode. I have no control of CMY, but all other parameters work on the fixture. Have tried swapping to 'basic' (19ch) mode, still no control of CMY. The fixture personality looks like it matches the DMX charts in the manual when I got into the edit options on the desk. I have patched 27 standard dimmer channels and have proved that CMY does in fact work on the fixture, leading me to believe there is an error with the fixture personality? Hire company said these fixtures worked fine on an ETC ION only the other week. Any advice what I might be overlooking? Manual here for ref: https://www.martin.com/en/site_elements/mac-quantum-profile-user-guide Thanks in advance, Alex
  5. I'm a big convert of using groups as much as possible! Definitely speeds up programming no end, and as David has mentioned I'm 99.9% sure you can save intensity within a group. (From a FLX user) I've also found sensible fixture numbering really helps (although it sounds like your venue is fairly small) to pick up your Fresnels, PAR side lights, cyc etc. e.g. 1X fixture numbers for Fresnels, 2X numbers for PARs etc (add the hundreds digit as required..!) I'm not experienced on Solution to understand how this would translate, but I'd definitely be looking at doing syntax based control via keyboard if it allows. Copy/Paste of cues is obviously another big time saver for when you're moving back and forward between locations.
  6. Nice work @Jon Hole & team! New features gratefully received on FLX! Not being a FLX S user its good to see these desks also get a big capability upgrade by doubling the fixture count - a FLX S 48 may almost become a legitimate option as a 'show week' backup desk for my FLX now. It's also good to read Vari-Lite's ongoing support for the FLX S and integration between RigSwitch and other Vari-Lite fixtures (although not been shouted about on your news page yet! 😉 https://www.vari-lite.com/global/news#page=1). Here's hoping the support is long lasting for this very valuable control surface and OS! Noting the cut off for ongoing support for the 'legacy' ZerOS consoles with the release of V8 & V7.14.4, are you able to share any insight in the development roadmap for ZerOS going forwards? It must be a lot simpler with only the FLX range to consider within your future software updates now? Or if nothing official - what would be your top three wishes be for ZerOS's next feature set?! Wishing a Happy Christmas & NY! Alex
  7. @Jon Hole just announced a ZerOS 8.0 'Release Candidate' in the beta-release testing forum yesterday. (7.15 is no longer a thing..!) I should imagine a couple more weeks with final testing and it'll be published.
  8. Simple question first, you're not trying to draw more than 32A from the Betapack? If not, there is likely something inside the Betapack, or from one of the lanterns connected to the Betapack, which is leaking current to earth, causing the RCBO to trip. If you move all of the lanterns on Betapack #5 to Betapack #4, does the fault move across with them? That should hopefully rule out a lantern or dimmer issue. Intermittent faults are always the worst to try and diagnose, good luck!
  9. Yeah exactly that! I'm sure someone else might come up with another better idea, but that's how I would approach it.
  10. Cool looking units - however some of those DMX charts look a mess! Personally looking at the manual I would run them in 192 Ch Mode, and then create a custom fixture profile for each strip, something like this (although there is already a Zero88 profile for these units in the desk) This way you could patch this 'custom fixture' for each of your strips, easily run FX across all 24 strips, or dive into the multicell control and run FX on each individual strip. This should also avoid the complexities of trying to work out what 'cell' 1.28 is compared to cell 1.49 for example if you were to use the Z88 provide fixture profile. Hopefully ZerOS 8 will be out well before your show, so you should have plenty of disposable DMX channels to play with! Cheers
  11. I was thinking we might have heard something with PLASA being on..! 😅 One day left to go perhaps..?
  12. Wow Edward, big news! A real shame for us here on the forum & FB community groups, as your support was always immediate and spot on! Wishing you all the best with whatever you turn your hand to next! Cheers Alex
  13. FLX S already has syntax support when used with a keyboard. See guide here: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts?filter=1
  14. You can record any combination of lights to a single Playback or "Multi Function Fader" (MFF), and when the desk Fader Function is in "Playback" mode (which sounds like you are), the button below each MFF should act as a Flash button by default (it's function can be changed: Hold SETUP and press the button). However, I can't immediately think of a way how you can make this button act as a 'reverse' flash button. Perhaps a 'Latch' might work with a couple of extra button presses? As you've probably experienced, if the Fader Function is in "Channels" mode, the button acts as a select key, rather than Flash in this instance.
  15. Strand LD90 Dimmers. Yes, DMX outputs window would have been a good idea to check, but I'm pretty sure the FLX was doing what I thought it should be! I'll have to dig the desk out and have a look at what it is doing. Great, thanks!
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