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Everything posted by Davidmk

  1. That ought be enough to shut all of us up on the midi front, what are the odds it could happen?
  2. One thing to remember is that even you have midi notes and/or CC assigned to playbacks you can still operate them through the desk so, while the number of controls you can use through midi is limited by the midi specification, which are actually controlled by midi depends on which notes/CCs you choose to send. I think! Mapping midi notes to macros would let you trigger any 127 (or 128) things. I presume "things" could be cues, playback, buttons or whatever you can put together a macro for (e.g. something silly like select group, apply position & beam pallettes and select colour with the macro then use colour picker to pick a range of colours manually) if that is what takes your fancy. Am I right Edward?
  3. Thanks
  4. Well, if there are no plans perhaps I could put some ideas out there Backwards compatibility. As we can see from this topic people have invested time and money in making the current facilities work for them. That said, maybe you could fiddle with the code around "first note" so that, while still being able to map note 0 to pb 1 you could map it or note 1 to any starting point. Could you borrow from the remote switches functionality and make midi notes work like a much bigger set of remotes? That would have a significant on the size of the setup screen so it might not fly but perhaps you could allow notes to execute macros direct rather than having to use pbs & cues to execute them. Notice I'm not mentioning CC, TimeCode, show control or any other midi controls. The more reasonably priced midi surfaces are predominately note based so I haven't really looked into them. Buttons are badly neglected with no button wing. Let's face it, if there was a button wing we might not even be having this conversation. In it's absence maybe you could allow notes to trigger buttons. The community would absolutely love USB midi, think how often that comes up in the forum. I've had a long career in software so I have tried to see how existing functionality could be extended, you have code that recognises incoming midi which could, perhaps, trigger existing code for remote switches and buttons. I do recognise that it isn't that simple and you cannot risk anything that would impact performance of the rest of the code but it must be worth a look. I would have loved that when I first got my desk, I used to use it with QLC+, but there's something about a physical control that gives you more confidence when busking so now I have midi working and I have made the investment in midi hardware I am less bothered. I could see the attraction for others using their existing tablets and if faders could actually be used to fade pb's then I might dabble with it myself.
  5. I've kept the first 6 pages for midi control and moved my flexible control to pages 7 & 8 so I can use notes direct, can't say I've noticed velocity making any difference to fade times.
  6. Yep, bought a Swan FLX+wing case, made a dog box, re-arranged the foam quite a bit, added a handle on one end and wheels on the other. I described the tablet set up in some detail in the FLX topic "Tablette wifi ou par cable?". I'm sure there must be a better way to link to it but I don't know it.
  7. I expect it would, right now however I'm using a wired one with a mouse through a KVM because I also have a laptop running Capture. The KVM didn't seem to like the desk so I have another keyboard for that. Living room table, lock down lighting
  8. I have an FLX (with monitor port) but I've dumped my monitor in favour of a tablet. Being smaller is easier to carry to a gig and it works just as well. Android is fine, I've tried that. iPad is available but I've settled on a re-furbished Windows tablet with a docking station so I can use wired network (with or without a router) and I can run other software (like the fixture definition editor) without carrying a laptop. I can also use a mouse if I want, saves reaching over the desk to touch the screen.
  9. Sorry, teach me to go butting in. Best part of this forum is how you guys keep such a close eye on things so a post with no response in 10 hours seemed odd.
  10. Hi Adrian Welcome to the forum. U sually one of the Zero 88 people responds quite quickly to new posts so they must be busy today. I thought I'd respond in case you were getting lonely but I'm not the best person to answer your query. I haven't run a show "on the button" in ages and never on an FLX (I work in a music venue where it is all busking) but the FLX should be even easier to use with cue stacks so I'm sure you'll be fine. While you are waiting there are loads of resources under support on the Zero 88 website at https://zero88.com/support - these include the manual, YouTube videos & the notes from the training course. In addition the FAQs have a number of knowledge base articles on specific topics. There's a demo pack of the Capture visualiser as well at https://zero88.com/zeros
  11. Yep, tried that, and transparent printer labels. Thought about trying sandpaper to give some grip and/or wiping the keys with meths before applying labels. Suppose you could cling film it and put labels on that. Do they make keyboard protectors (like you get for keyboards or tills in bars) for it?
  12. If you find anything better then please let me know.
  13. White gaffer. None of the controllers I've tried will accept anything else.
  14. That was the setting I couldn't find!!! Why doesn't it show up on separate octaves? Bug, surely
  15. I've got the same for the first button but it fires pb1 not two. Edward said midi 0 would fire pb1 and you said midi 1 was firing pb2 1 if that is true then my desk must be operating in a parallel universe (or, being 2 versions behind is making the difference). I'll play some more after I've walked the dogs.
  16. OK now I'm more confused. Attached screenshot shows midi note-on arriving and what happened on the playback LEDs. The wing was showing page 1, the desk page 6 (where the pb/cue triggered by pb1/cue 1 is located). It behaved as expected and the correct cue was triggered so pb LED 25 is presumably pb1. The above suggests note 1 triggers pb 1 which does not tally with what Edward said therefore I must be misunderstanding something. I've stopped playing with the desk (I'm a fan of Vera on ITV right now) but I've left it set up and I'll continue tomorrow. One thing I'll be looking at is advice I had when first playing with notes, something about a setting which I can't find now. Dont read too much into that, it was last year sometime and an even earlier version of ZeroOS.
  17. Now you two have me worried that my setup is wrong. I thought button one was c# and triggering pb1. I'll have to get my desk out and see what I've done. I haven't been able to try it on stage yet although the 1-64 file is an amended version of one I've used on a few live shows so it ought to have been right. The desk is still on the last-but-one version of ZerOS - don't know if that makes a difference. It thought it looked OK on Capture though. Apologies for any inconvenience caused though.
  18. Best of luck. Patience and the event display will be your friends but shout if you need more help.
  19. Almost certainly that, not absolutely sure about Channel but, if it isn't 0 then it probably should be.
  20. I can't remember. I'll look it up and get back to you.
  21. You can't do this freely, note 1 triggers playback 1, no choice about that. To keep things simple I use playbacks 1-127 for midi which is the first 5 and a bit pages, the remaining playbacks on page 6 (128-144) are multi-cue and with cues triggered from the midi controlled playbacks and I start "normal" programming on page 7
  22. Yes these are files you can load to your Novation, obviously you may want to change the displayed colours and the "flash/latch" settings but it may save you having to work out which note (in the required A to G natural/sharp and octave number) you need which is probably the most tedious and error prone part of the process. Please note that there are a couple of intentionally un-programmed keys, notably the last one in the 65 to 127 file (which would have been the non-existent note 128. Also worth noting that the Novation has four pages. I use two Novations and program both with both files, that way it doesn't matter which is which - I just select page 1 on the left one and 2 on the right. If all your pads are "flash" then you probably only need one Novation to trigger 127 playbacks (I've not tried it!). You will find that it is useful to see what the pads are actually sending and you can find that using the Z key (system info->events if my memory serves). "Flash" should send a note-on when you press the key and note-off when you release, "latch" should send a note-on when you press it the first time and note-off when you press it again. I keep putting flash & latch in quotes because these are ZerOS terms, the Novation equivalents should be obvious but I don't remember them.
  23. You might find these useful... FLX PBs 64 to 127.syx FLX PBs 1 to 64.syx
  24. How are you planning to use faders in this context? I've been wanting to do that but - even using intermediate software + laptop + etc - I haven't seen a way to do it. I'd be absolutely delighted to be shown the way on this one if you can crack it.
  25. That's correct. You will need a USB to midi interface. There is one that Z88 recommend but I used a Kenton USB midi host mk2 bought on ebay for about £88
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