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Nathanael Orr

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  1. Hi Alex, Could you confirm that you attempted to download the file whilst successfully logged in to your forum account? Downloads require login so maybe that's why? Log in to your account and try again and if it still doesn't work I will re-upload. Thanks
  2. Hi there, Thanks for your post. I am glad you are enjoying the Zero 88 consoles! Hopefully the below suggestions might help; Perhaps you could create your own Groups palettes with new names (like LED left hand side) for the non-technicians to use instead? This way they get to see the whole Group Name and you can double tap them to put them at 100%. To name a group, hold SETUP and tap the Group Palette. Traditionally, if I had to name individual dimmers, I would use short hand like CS for Centre Spot or DSL for DownStage Left. Otherwise I wouldn't name individual dimmers, just the bars they are on, for example, dimmers 1 through 6 named as Front Wash Bar Left to Right. That way you will see the whole Fixture Name for those lights. Do you mean the master level for the playback? In which case, to stop the cues from jumping back to the first cue (what we call releasing the cuestack), hold SETUP and press the playback GO button. Press Raise and Lower. Press Disable underneath Release on Lower. This will stop the fader from releasing the cuestack when you lower the fader. You can plug in an external USB keyboard into one of the FLX S24 USB ports and use the cursor arrows (left, right, up, down) and ENTER button to navigate the cue stack if you find it particularly tricky. This view is for quickly seeing lots of information or for using as touch-control faders on an iPad or android tablet. To see the details of the currents and upcoming cues, hold the VIEW button and press the playback GO button you wish to see. That will view the cue stack recorded on that particular playback fader. It becomes second-nature to hold VIEW and press a playback GO button to see all the important details. You could also combine this process with connecting an external monitor or our ZerOS monitor app for apple and android phones (using the ethernet port) and you will be able to see lots of different information at the same time. This is possible by using the Cue Stack icon (looks like a PLAY/PAUSE icon, next to the lightbulb icon) to see all this information, or use the hold VIEW+GO process mentioned above. You can also create Chases on any of the playbacks and then trigger those Chases from the Master Playback using the cue settings. Press Settings, press Macros, press Add next to Trigger Cue Stacks, select the Chase fader, press OK twice. ------ Apologies if I haven't exactly answered any of your questions, I struggled to understand all of your questions. Hope this finds you well! Thanks, Nate
  3. Haha thanks Kevin! Indeed! Edward is a bit of a legend around here. Although, posting just before Ed something very similar to what he posted gives me a bit of confidence =] Thanks all, for all the help on this one.
  4. Hi Joe and Jason, Thanks for these comments. I'm glad the library file has helped as a short-term solution. We are continuing to work on this. We haven't as of yet managed to recreate the issue on any console we've got available to us which is making it a bit difficult to pin down from our end. I have been running tests using the 7.9.5 download from this forum as opposed to our internal file storage system. Thanks Jason for your comment; I wonder, is there anyway you can recreate that issue and then send a picture of the error message? Seeing that would be helpful, especially as Martin mentioned on the phone he might have seen an error message as well. To see system text (after the error message has appeared), press the Z button, press System Information and then press System Text and scroll to the particular point of the error message. Thanks, Nathanael
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