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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Posts posted by Erics

  1. I think you must patch 6 Fixtures for it if you want control each two pixel individualy. In 36ch mode you have 6 channels for controling two pixel. So you have to patch 6 fixtures with 6 DMX channels each fixture. The FLX doesn't support more than von RGB(W, A, UV) attribute per fixture.

  2. If have just try to connect my FLX S48 running Artnet enabled with ZerOS 7.9.6 and my PC with ArtNetominator. I can't see any packets in the Software.  The desk is sending dmx data on the second universe in the dmx monitor.

    I see 16 Nodes in the ArtNetominator Software with the locale IP of the FLX. And the FLX shows me under Network Overview: Artnet 4 - 1 device connected.

    So it seems that there is a data transfer. But i don't know if it's a bug of the PC software or if its a problem on FLX side.


    I opened Cpture on the PC and there you can see the Artnet Data comming in from the FLX. So it seems to be a bug on the ArtNetominator Software.


  3. Hi Jon,

    I have made some test on friday and saturday. But i was unable to reproduce the slow down. So i have not upgraded to the beta. This week i have some more time for testing. I hope i get a workaround ro repeat the error and can see if upgrading will fix it.

  4. High
    - Support for Fixtures with sub-fixtures for multi RGB(AW) or only multi dimmer channel (for easy handling, creating effekts, need less faders)

    - Free assignable soft button page for cues or cuelist with assigneable button behavier like flash, toggle, flash + go + release. So you can can programm effekts like strobe, fog, colour flash to it without spending much faders and you can name them easy. Page should be assignable to internal or external touch screen
    - RDM controls to see RDM parameter from devices and send rdm commands to them

    - usb midi control for FLX S range
    - customized (dmx) output screen, to see what happening and for easy programming without fixtures connect. with simulation of LED colours and dimmer values


  5. Hi Jon,

    I can test the beta software release. Until now i havn't reproduced the issue. But i only made some simple programmings with the FLX on the weekend. Good to hear that you have found something so fast. I hope to report back until the end of the week.

  6. I have taken a video from the effekt. This is a screenshot from the video. I have not tried to look up the system information text. After a reboot the FLX works normal. I will try to recrate it. Perhaps i can find some more helpful information.


  7. I have just teste the new ZeroOs 7.9.6 on my FLX S48.

    I created a new show, patched only two moving heads. I have nothing recorded. I only played with the programmer. After a break of 20 minutes the desk do respond very slow. When i hit clear to deselect everything it takes some seconds to clear the programmer. When i change fader pages you can see the LEDs take some time. It is possible to get both LEDs on... Yeah i have got a thrid Page 😉

    I dont't know whats going on. But it seems that the hole desk is busy with something. But there is nothing running. No cue list... no effect...

  8. Thanks for the information. It should work on GrandMA3, but i have no one to test. General it's a good way when there is one format for all lightning and visualisation wich can be used free of charge. So it's good that the global players will support that.

  9. Hi Olly,

    I think that depends on the default fixtures values. In the normal fixture profiles it is programmend that all RGB Values are @ 100%. So when you select a fixture with a fader it will light up white when you moves the fader up. So the normal oparator do not have to select a color when he wants only light on stage.

    I don't like this behaver, so it is good that i can change the default values on the FLX S desks with ZerOs 7.9.5 now.

  10. Quote

    I can't remember whether you are part of our beta test group? If not, you are more than welcome to drop us an email to support@zero88.com requesting to be added to the beta test group, if this is something that may be of interest. This will give you access to the latest beta software. Internally at the time of writing we are currently testing ZerOS We are hoping to release another beta soon for beta testers to get the latest preview of ZerOS 7.9.5.

    The current beta software available for our beta testers is ZerOS This already includes the ability to change fixture defaults, home values, and max levels on FLX S consoles. 

    Support for what we call composite fixtures is being worked on, but there is no preview of this as yet, and no release date.

    Hi Edward,

    since the last survey about pixelmapping i can see the beta part of this forum. But i'm not an official beta tester. I have only one desk. And that should be working when i am on tour. So it would be difficult to change back and force the ZerOS. I think i would be also a problem with the show files to when they would be changed with a newer version of ZerOS. So i don't understand why i have to wait over one year for a bug fixing. There should be a patch after a month for the ZerOS if there are known bugs that can crash the desk. If there a known problems, they have to be fixed fast. If anyone who wants bugfixing has to be a beta tester, you could skip this an release the ZerOS direcly.
    New features should be released when they are ready and tested. For me would be using "composite fixtures" a big advance. But i know that it is difficult to integrate, there is no compatibilty with old fixtures and files any more.
    The other advantage would be a only button desk for "disco" jobs or a way of free configurable flash buttons for the external touch. I would build it by my own if i had a way to send the information to the desk. But for the FLX S48 there is no easy solution. Since it has no midi, i must use usb or ethernet for connection.

  11. I thought the development would be faster. The ZerOS 7.9.4 was released on March 19, 2018. I have submitted Bugs. And there isn't a Bugfix Release since than. I think it should be possible to release an update with Bugfixing every quarter of the year. No one gives you a real timeline. No one knowes what will be on the list. I think it's a shame that everyone is talking about features on and on.. and nothing happens over years. I have now many fixtures with many LED Pixels and more than one dimmer channel. And you found things like this for less money in many ways. It is not possible to change defaults... i hve to use a pc software for that... And the resolution of the PC software is bad... you can not use this in the way it should be... 

    I thought this lighting desk would be a good solution. But after a year... i think i will sell it and by a GrandMa or ChamSys solution. That can handle fixtures that are on the market for many years.

    The FLX has some nice features. But for an "easy" solution for everyone, there are so many little problems... and no one can say when they where changed.

  12. Quote

    Therefore to rediscover deleted fixtures, you'll need to tap SETUP -> Inputs & Outputs -> RigSync -> Discover All. This should then patch them back into the console.

    That is what i have done. But the manually deleted fixtures were not discovered. You have to restart the desk to get them in. Turn off and on of the fixtures did not helped.

  13. i contacted the Astera support today. The problem was know since the last Friday. Today the released an update. Firmware V5.7.91 for the AX5 resolved the problem "AX5 stops responding on XLR DMX if RDM is used for a while"

    Now the AX5 RDM fixture profile works with the FLS S48. You could switch between the AX5 personalities in the desk. All profiles where assigned right and in sync.

    But there are some problems that i have seen:
    - When you select and delete RDM Fixtures from the desk you can't discover them again. You have to restart the FLX.
    - When you had the fixtures selected with the fader, than delete all of them in the setup, the clear LED is on and can't be switch of by pressing clear. You have to patch a fixture to get it to set to off.

  14. Hallo Martino,

    Auf dem FLX S48 weist du den GRANDMASTER einem leeren Playback Fader zu. (Setup gedrückt halten und Fader Button anklicken) Dann hast du über den Touch diem möglichkeit Grandmaster auszuwählen. Bestätigen und fertig. Der Grandmaster regelt die Helligkeit von normalerweise allem was an Lampen da ist.

    Willst du einen Chase programmiere wälst du deine Lampen an, stellst z.B. die Farbe ein für den ersten Schritt. Dann drückst du Record und eine leeren Playback Fader Knopf. Dann änderst du die Farbe, drückst wieder Record und drückst den Knopf erneut. Dann wirst du gefragt ob du einen neuen Cue oder eine Chaser erstellen willst im TouchScreen.  Hier kannst du einfach Chaser auswählen und schon hast du den zweiten Schritt. Jetzt gibt es eventuell noch eine Meldung das du den Fader hochziehen must vom Fader.

    Jetzt kannst du wieder die Farbe ändern und den nächsten Schritt speichern, solange bis du fertig bist. Abspielen geht dann über das hochziehen des Faders. Mit dem Button kannst du im Standard die geschwindigkeit vom Chaser aändern. Und über den Grandmasterfader auch die gesamte Helligkeit von allen gerade laufenden chasern wenn du mehre hast.

    Du kannst aber auch erstmal Cues speichern und die Cueliste später in einen Chaser umwandeln. Dafür Setup gedrückt halten und den Button unter dem Fader der Cueliste / chaser drücken.

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