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Posts posted by Erics

  1. I tried to download the english OS manual from germany.  But i only get the file "9850-000734-00DE---FLX-&-FLX-S-Manual---2022.pdf" wich is the german version. But i think there are many things missing like keyboard shortcuts or osc information.
    I don't like links where i select an english manual and the system tells me you get only the german version 😞


    I use firefox webrowser.

  2. Whats your problem with it? If you calculate the movent you have 0 to 255 for 8 Bit or 0 to 65535. So the easiest way is always to calculate all values for dmx with 16 Bit. And than cut them down to 8 Bit if needed. If your fixture use 16 Bit values you only have to split the 16 Bit Value in MSB and LSB Value so you get two 8 Bit Values and transfer them in the dmx stream.

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  3. For this i used a DMX music player in the past:


    That works well for any kind of DMX desk.

    Now i have a FLX S48 and a chamsys MQ70. And chamsys can now easy play any standard audio file in a cue list. You can use it with the PC or mac software with a soundcard or with the direct audio out of the lightningh desk. So it is very easy now. Save a cuelist, select the sound file from the internal memory or a usb drive. and when the cuelist starts the audio plays as well. You could also use this to programm timecoded cues to audio files.
    Perhaps it would be possible with phantom ZeroOS. Or you could support USB soundcard for the desk as well. That is also possible on chamsys now. So i would call it a feature request 😉

  4. The console have only one IP in the network. This is used to send out Data like Art-Net or sACN. And you can connect to this IP with the Remote.
    Your Art-Net Devices must have different IPs. Every Device in the Network that should be connected to the console should be in the Range 10.0.10.XXX (Depends on your Subnetmask).

    The trick is that you have different ports for each IP and Device in the Network. Port 80 normal for HTTP. So you can send and receive different Informations with only one IP adress at the same time.

  5. Okay, do you use ZerOS version 7.9.7 ?

    Have you tried to dissable RDM support / “RigSync”?

    It could be a problem with the DMX Transmission Feature: FLX & FLX S now include the option to transmit DMX as “Continuous” or “Delta” data

    I had some isues with "Delta" Mode. I would recomanced to use Continuous mode since some fixtures don't like the delta mode when there is no dmx change in the data.

  6. Quote

    I see this has a library included,  is this a new one with support for multicellular fixtures? (crosses fingers)

    No, it doesn't. They are working on a new fixture library that will support that in the future. Since i have no longer time to wait for this feature i bought a chamsys mini pc wing and wait  now for the MQ70 to be delivered. I have some Astera FP1 Pixeltubes that have 16 pixel each. And it can't be handelt on my FLX S48. I like the FLX. Some things are nice and easy. But it's a pain that it's not possibel to control some multi fixture lamps out of the box. I have only a smal astera LED Setup for weddings with some AX3, 6 x AX5 and up to 6 FP1 tubes. And that should be possible wit a smal light desk. I also have some involight blinder bars with 10 warm white LEDs (LEDBAR FX103) and RGB backround control. When i patch 8 of these Bars my FLX S48 is full 😞 The infinity chimp lightning desk hat a same problem. They have now changed there fixture limit to unlimited, since they have there multi head fixture library not ready.

  7. It could be a problem with the DMX Transmission Feature: FLX & FLX S now include the option to transmit DMX as “Continuous” or “Delta” data

    I had some isues with "Delta" Mode. I would recomanced to use Continuous mode since some fixtures don't like the delta mode when there is no dmx change in the data.

  8. Check the DMX Output Window, witch values are send to the spots. Try to switch the dmx adresses of spot one and spot two and see if the error switch with your adress change. if the same spot is strobing, its a lamp / mode problem. If the error is than one spot one, it could be a patch or flx problem. So you can see if it's the lamp , the desk, or the patching in the flx.

  9. If you want to control each LED Par with full color picker support you need so patch it as seprate fixtures. The first fixture for the global dimmer, 4 fixtures for the RGB LEDs and 1 for the strobe on channel 14. Perhaps it's useful ro use RGB with virtual dimmer.

    In the moment the ZerOS don't support subfixture. There will be a new library in the future... Until than you have to patch each RGB(WA) Light as own fixture. Than you could use the effects as well.

  10. I have bought a FLX S48 to control my small Astera led setup with 2 x AX3, 4 x AX5 and 6 x Astera FP1 Pixel Tubes (up to 16 LED Pixel each). And after trying several things i now ordered the new chamsys MQ70. It has 24 universes and can work with subfixtures and do easy led pixelmapping. I thought about upgrading to a normal FLX, but since you have to handel 16 faders for one tube...  that's not useful of working with such lights. No one will do a manual fade for each pixel. There must be better way of using this lights on ZerOS if you want to work fast. You need to do this with grouping. And the next thing is patching a lot of each idividual pixel is a problem when you have to change the dmx adresses.

    Some things are realy easy to do on a FLX. And there are not so many options to customize like in chamsys wich make it easy to start. But i can't recomanced it  when you workign with fixtures like sunstripes or led pixel bars.

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