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  1. Hello , I want to know if it is possible to manage the speed of effects with a fader? flx does not have effects with music? Thank you ;-)
  2. Thank you ;)
  3. I'm new, I just acquired a FLX, and I have a show very soon, can you help me ??? Hello , I am looking for the file for this luminaire, Stairville Pixel Beam 160 I join the various channels thank you in advance 1 0…255 Rotation (pan), fixed position (0° to 540°) 2 0…255 Fine adjustment for rotation (pan) 3 0…255 Inclination (tilt), fixed position (0° to 270°) 4 0…255 Fine adjustment for inclination (tilt) 5 0…255 Speed of rotation (pan) and inclination (tilt), fast to slow 6 0…15 No movement 16…135 Continuous clockwise rotation, speed decreasing 136…255 Continuous anti-clockwise rotation, speed increasing 7 0…15 No movement 16…135 Continuous clockwise tilt movement, speed decreasing 136…255 Continuous anti-clockwise tilt movement, speed increasing 8 0…255 Dimmer (0 % to 100 %) 9 0…255 Intensity red (0 % to 100 %), all LEDs together 10 0…255 Intensity green (0 % to 100 %), all LEDs together 11 0…255 Intensity blue (0 % to 100 %), all LEDs together 12 0…255 Intensity white (0 % to 100 %), all LEDs together 13 Strobe effect 0…6 Strobe effect off 7…128 Strobe effect, random speed 129…255 Strobe effect, increasing speed 14 Auto show 0…15 Without function 16…55 Show No. 1 56…95 Show No. 2 96…135 Show No. 3 136…175 Show No. 4 176…215 Show No. 5 216…255 Show No. 6 15 0…255 Speed of the automatic show, if channel 14 = 16…255) 16 Reset 0…9 No function 10…20 Reset 21…255 No function there is a 72 channel mode but I do not need it yet thanks thanks thanks
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