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Everything posted by martin-144

  1. I think I can find on my own, but if you could send me? Not sure if its legal to post links in here.
  2. Same problem showing up here...
  3. Ok, so for this production time I can live with the "cue only" setting. Next time I will go back to "tracking", as it seems to bring more advantages than I thought. Kevin, I will definitely try your tip with "1 THRU @ .", it seems kind of awkward right now but I will try it for sure. Thanks, Martin
  4. Hi all, to finally give some feedback, I ended up programming the effects from scratch because there was no remove option in the record menu. I guess this may be due to the fact that my desk is in "cue only" mode at the moment. I thought it would be easier for me to handle in a theatre environment, but now it seems it brings some limitations with it. The second thing I noticed is that I cannot run two effects in parallel. Whichever effect I start later will interrupt the effect started before and stop it. Is this another limitation of "cue only" mode or am I doing something wrong here? I am quite sure that I only tagged the parameters needed for the particular effect. Cheers, Martin
  5. Starting over from scratch would be my next option. But lets try what I can achieve tomrorrow.
  6. Thanks Kevin for the quick reply, Will try this tomorrow evening.
  7. Hi, I am happy to say that we are in-game again. We are having our first youth-theatre production since two years of corona pause. Said that, I am having some problems because I recorded an effect on a moving head, which is working fine. However, I recorded some other lights with it which shouldn't be there. Can anyone tell me how I can remove these lights from the effect which I stored on a faders cue? I can set the lamps to zero intensity, but I want to remove them completely from the fader to not interfere with other cues. Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks, Martin
  8. Hi Eric, I think at the moment it is not possible to do what you want to do in an easy way. That's why I voted for "Exclusive Playbacks (a playback not affected by GM, RemDim, Inhibits, other Playbacks, and not recorded into cues)" in this https://zero88.com/forum/topic/9266-what-would-you-like-to-see-in-zeros/ survey. Cheers, Martin
  9. Thanks Kevin again, I was in kind of a remote-support situation, which makes it even harder. I can feel the pain of you and the Zero88 people having to do this. Thank you all 😀 Martin
  10. Ok I got it. Thanks for bringing long forgotten things to my mind. Corona thank you 😍 You can bring up the cue stack of a fader by pressing <view> and the button under the fader. Thanks Kevin
  11. Kevin, you mean this? I placed it randomly on playback 7. There is only one cue at this fader.
  12. Either I can make the color fade with the fader movement or have a fade time of 3~5 seconds. But where can I adjust this?
  13. That was my first Idea. Where can I find fade times for faders? It's not the Go button, there it would be obvious.
  14. Sorry, quick and urgent question: How can I make a color to snap on a fader (fader only controls intensity, but color should be the same from the beginning)? I am sure I asked that question before but I don't remember the solution and I couldn't find any related topic. I am still on ZerOS 7.9.7, only for a small event I didn't yet want to upgrade and lose patch. Thanks for a quick reply, Martin
  15. Hi all, I just did some votes on the survey (it was only 5 or 6) and I don't want to put them into categories like Kevin did. One thing I would really like to have is "Exclusive Playbacks", to prevent me from house lights getting recorded into cues. At least this feature sounds like it could prevent that. And I think this would be one of the "not too hard to implement" ones. And even if I voted for the macOS version of Phantom, I would like to see a native Linux version which probably runs on any common Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Mint or whatever. Even more as it seems the newer versions of Phantom can not be run in WINE anymore. (See my post on it below) Cheers, Martin
  16. Hey Jon, thanks for your suggestion, but this would also really upset me and I would forget to hold Shift and make it even worse. My technique works well for me so far. Don't hover your finger over the Go button is a good tip 🙂 Martin
  17. Hi, sometimes I am nervous on the Go button too, especially in first night performances. My tip is to really press the button firmly and release after you are sure it has been pressed. It will not trigger more than one cue, if you fear that 🙂 Martin
  18. Would you like to tell us the type of the router? Some time ago I had problems with Artnet because of exactly this issue. And I am quite sure that I didn't set such a short lease time. Cheers, Martin
  19. Multipart fixtures ??? 🤠
  20. Hi Edward, just to make my discoveries complete here: My ArtNet module stopped receiving ArtPoll packets after one minute. That was most likely because the DHCP lease time of the AP was due and the AP maybe cleared its ARP cache for that device . Therefore my device stopped sending ArtPollReply packets and the FLX console removed it after a few seconds from the devices list. Two minutes later the connection suddenly comes back without doing anything. Short before the connection came back I saw in Wireshark my device sending a "gratuitous ARP" packet, which seems to make the connection alive again. I don't know why it's doing this, must be some internal ESP8266 mechanism. I didn't program it to do that. After that the connection seemed to be stable for at least 5 minutes or more (didn't test any longer). RDM or in the console it's called "RigSync" was off all the time. I can provide a Wireshark capture file if someone is interested. Martin
  21. Hi together, today I managed to fix the problem. It was neither the FLX console nor my Artnet device. It was the Access point in between (TP-Link TL-WR802N). For some unknown reason the DHCP lease time was set to one minute, which is of course very short and shouldn't be that short. Setting it to a more reasonable time (like 120 minutes, which is the default) solved the problem. Just wanted to let you know if you may run into similar problems... Martin
  22. Hi Edward, that's a good point. Thank you for mentioning that. I haven't checked if RDM is enabled or not. Next time I am at the desk I will disable it to check, as I am not using it right now. Thanks, Martin
  23. Hi Edward and all others, I hope you all are doing well in these times... I did a little further investigations in improving my program this weekend. I was able to improve it to not crash anymore, but there are still some things to do. Interestingly, when I start the program, it will work for exactly one minute, then stop to receive UDP packets for two minutes and then return to normal order. I am not sure if the behaviour is caused by my Arduino sketch (with many libraries included, where I have no insight), or the FLX console I am using to test. The strange thing is: At home I use a Python script to simulate the output of the FLX. There it works without errors. When I have time to get to the the real FLX consle I get the errors described above. I have no clue what the difference is. I f someone of you maybe now has the time or experience to help me solve this problem, It would be very much appreciated. Thanks and stay healthy, Martin
  24. Hi Edward, my device IS programmed to send ArtPollReply packets to every ArtPoll packet. But for mysterious reasons it stops doing that after some time. Therefore I want to know if there is something going on on the network which I cannot see with Wireshark. Cheers, Martin
  25. Thanks Edward, that would be very nice. I don't see the ArtDMX Packets, as the FLX seems to send them unicast and they are not routed to my Wireshark device. But I can see the ArtPoll and ArtPollReply packets every ~3 seconds. At some time my device stops replying to the ArtPoll packets, and some seconds later it gets removed from the FLX. Thats the problem. I want to find out why this happens. As written in the first post, I am trying to build one myself with an ESP8266. The failure could be easily on my side, but I want to clarify this. Very sad, but maybe necessary ;-( Thanks, Martin
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