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SteveKW last won the day on February 20 2024

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  1. It's been a long time since my previous post. The upshot of the situation is that the rack has been swapped out with the fourth rack in the rig leaving 36 ways rather than the 48 of the original install. I now have to re-address the rack as DMX 1-12 but am locked out of the control unit by a code that no body at the school has a record of. I will have to try and find out what the over ride code is.
  2. I only swapped the key pad so i will try swapping the processor board next time I'm at the venue. If that does not resolve the situation then i'll request that a electrician checks the mains connectivity. I will update this thread with any progress butn it might be a couple of weeks before that happens. Thanks for the advise so far!
  3. Looking for recomendations to investigate/repair faulty 12 channel chilli dimmer which intermittently restarts causing all channels to flash on/off. The dimmer is 1 of 4 in a school in the UK, Cambridge (cambs) area. I have already swapped the control panel with another rack in the same installation, the fault remains on the original rack with the alternative control panel fitted and the donor rack works as expected with the panel from the faulty rack. Any help or suggestions appreciated.
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