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  1. hey denks for the answer. its a pity, that there are no plans for it anymore. good evening
  2. Hey Edward... i am a little confused now... in a former post of mine about an active Go-button within "manual fade" option, you wrote: ...and now you guys implement ZOS-5803 but it seems like its just the same as ZOS-8363. so is an active Go-Button just a dream or its something it will come.?? have a nice evening Luk
  3. denks a lot for all this helpful informations, edward. good evening luk
  4. Hello Edward thanx for your fast answers... Aahaa...yes, its very understandable. But still, when i think about this, it should be possible again, when i desable RigSync or not..?? uuaaarrrrgg...🙂 yes for sure...i didn't thinked about this possibility... many thanx for your support and have a good evening... L
  5. Hello everyone Today i helped a friend with a small set-up for a theatershow. He uses a flx s24. we updated to zeros 7.14.2. We wanted to patch some fixtures together (ad as additional adress) but there was no button for it in the menu where you can change the adress. also no unpatch-button (usually in the top-right corner of the menu). We tried again with an old showfile and the buttons where there. We reset the desk, patched some fixtures and again the two buttons missed. We loaded old zeros softwares (7.13 and 7.12) cause we was thinking its maybe a bug of 7.14.2. But the same problem, the two buttons missing. Again load an old showfile and again the two buttons appears. So, finally we went back on Zeros 7.14.2 and loaded the old showfile as basic and deleted some fixtures and repatch some others. Like this it worked. I saved the showfile without buttons and load it in to my flx (fullsize) to see how my desk will manage it. Also no buttons. But after reseting my desk, all the missing patch-possibilities shows up again. Does anybody have some ideas what happend?? ...and all this brings us an other "problem". After loading and reloading and loading again different Zeros-Versions and Showfiles we forgot sometimes to disable Rig-Sync(completly our fault..;) And in the old showfile was a couple of Led-Fixtures with same adresses like the wallmountet dimmers(RDM) of the venue. So the console automatic "messed-up" the adresses in the dimmers. (it took a while to figuered that out cause the dimmerstartadresses stayed correct) so i am wondering if it would be friendly if the console could ask first, befor messing around with adresses, or nice would be Rig-Sync disable by default?? after struggling with the missing buttons in the patchmenu, and finally get the patch done with old showfiles, and then the patch is still full of faults cause of the messed-up dimmeradresses, simply a day to get drunk... i hope all this is understandable even my not so good english... good evening.
  6. Thanx a lot... this sounds logic to me. i will give a try with -update-(smarttag/track forwards enabled)-enter-. good evening Luk
  7. hi denks for the replays. maybe its important (maybe not..??) to know that not all the values of a cue get blocked. (if its important i am very sorry to not mention it clearly.) point (b) is my guessing too... yes, i am sure about this. i will do in the next days a small cuelist to visualize. denks a lot for taking the time for answers... good evening Luk
  8. hellö everybody sorry it took a while...but with the informations i get from your answers, i played around a little and i figered out what happend: when i have blocked values in a cue (for exempel cue 10) and i want them unblocked, i press update - (smarttag enabled) - enter, and they change to tracked values(when its possible). BUT...then the next cue(cue 11) changes to blocked values. i do the same (update - enter)with cue 11, and then again cue 12 get blocked values. and so on... thats why i was confused about still having cues with blocked values after ("empty")updating cues. when i think about this, i am not shure if its logical to me or not(its a bit a head scratcher to me🤔) It makes tracking kind of funny, if you dont do a general unblock for the cue (setup - PB button - advanced - block/unblock). (denks @Kgallen for this hint, i think i will start to use this function often in the future...) Luk
  9. Denks Kgallen and Edward for the fast respond. Actually i did some copying cues to make auto follow cues when Led-Fixtures turn in with Conventionals. And sometimes when i needed a cue later in the show again, but in this case i guess the values should not be blocked, when other cues are between. I didn't realised that copy cues blockes values. But after your explainations it seems logic to me. But i still dont understand why there are again some blocked values after update every single cue with no changes but SmartTag enabled. have a good evenging and many thanks Luk
  10. Hellöü everybody I created a cuelist in Master-Playback (tracking enabled, smarttag enabled). when i dont change the value of a fixture from one to the next cue it should be a tracked value, showed in violet in the outputwindow (so far my understanding). And sometimes it actually is. But sometimes i get blocked values (showing white in the outputwindow). I didnt get attention to this while programming. I realised this first, when i wanted to do some changes in the cues with tracking forwards enabled. It just doesnt worked cause of the blocked cues (i guess). I figured out when i update a cue without any changes, the blocked values turned to tracked values. So i did this for every single cue, to have the possibility to use tracking for changes. Now i wanted to change some values in some cues, and again some values are blocked. (even if a couple of minutes ago they showed me as tracked values.) I also realised that move on dark worked kind of strange. After update(without any changes) all the cues, to get tracked values, my scrollers(move on dark) worked as excepted. So does the blocked values also have an impact on move on dark? I am just very much confused about this, and i am wondering whats the trick to dont get blocked values when i dont need them. Whats my mistake? Maybe somebody knows more about this..?? denks...Luk
  11. Hi all Ed's denks a lot for this very simple answers... shame on me for this question...🙄 L
  12. Hy everybody i had a situation with very short time to create a couple of lightstates for a show. On univers 1 i had my own fixtures and on univers 2 i used some fixtures of the venue. I didnt know exactly what fixtures they use in their rig. So i did just a 1:1 patch with dimmers for the univers 2. (i used the conventionals from their rig) So, to create some fast lightstates without patching the fixtures in order or sort them, i had to search the adress of each needed fixture in the Patch overview, to find out wich fixturenumber in my FLX it would be. It tooks me a lot of time to do this. In this situation i realy missed the possiblity to select fixtures by adress. (for example the fixture with adress 254 in univers 2 at 50%: 2.254@50enter i imagend how complicated it would be with more universes. in my opinion it would be very usefull to have the possiblity to quick change (maybe in the Z-Menu) between «selecting fixtures by fixturenumber» and «selecting fixtures by adress» and then comes an other point; in my imagination it would be much more direct and fast to press and hold page up/page down button and enter the pagenumber via synthax, then scroll thru all pages till page 37 for example. hm...but maybe its just non-sense i talk, cause i dont have much expirience to work wich multiple universes… maybe somebody with more expirience can give some advise how i could do it less complicated i did... denks LLuk
  13. denks for the answer...good its nothing to worried about...L
  14. hi Everyone in the Systemtext is something writen what looks for me like a warning (??) does somebody knowes what this means? FERAM Read failure at 0x0008DF00, retries remaining: 4NVR retention check OK I found this allready several Times but didn't get attention to it, cause the Desk work proberly. But now i am short time befor a premiere and i am not shure if this massage should makes me nervous. denks a lot for answers...Luk
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