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van den abbeele Eric

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Everything posted by van den abbeele Eric

  1. Hello, I come back a little on this 7.13 update, because I finally did not have time to install it. What can you say about this new version? Apart from those mentioned earlier in this post, are there any other concerns? Indeed we can imagine what Version 7.14 will give given the satisfaction index of 7.13... A good end of the day to all Eric Bonjour, Je reviens un peu sur cette mise à jour 7.13, car je n'ai finalement pas eu le temps de l'installer. Que pouvez vous dire de cette nouvelle mouture ? En dehors de ceux evoqués plus haut dans ce post, y a t'il d'autres soucis ? En effet on peut imaginer ce que la Version 7.14 va donner au vu de l'indice de satisfaction du 7.13... Une bonne fin de journée à tous Eric
  2. Bonjour Jean Philippe, J'ai vu qu'Edward t 'a fait parvenir le précédent manuel le 7.9.9. Je peux aussi te faire parvenir une version plus ressente 7.11, qui n'est pas finie d'être traduite correctement... Mais qui prends en compte certaines choses non incluses dans la version 7.9.9. Je vais tenter de faire évoluer les versions 7.11 vers 7.14... (Il y a pas mal d'évolution sur les versions de Zer0S. A savoir que la dans la version 7.13, il y a une grosse évolution. La possibilité de pouvoir créer ses propres Fixtures directement dans la console. Ce qui n'était pas possible avant... Une belle journée Eric V.D.A
  3. Good news for us. I will Download this new ZerOS and try this Fixture editor... This new 7.13, is really a good thing. thank for All of You Eric (France)
  4. Hello, thank for information Edward. limitation or problems with SSD or Hard disk usb device ? is it better to keep usb device connected on FLX ? Or better to eject ? Thank for your help & advice eric
  5. Hello Edward & Jon, Can you explain a bit how "SETUP" works and the "Save" and "Load" options concerning the "USB keys", "SSD disk" and "Hard disks" media? When using this kind of support on Windows as on Mac, it is important to properly eject everything that is connected to avoid problems & having crash... What about ZerOS when using media through the FLX's USB ports... Is it possible to use SSD disk or HDD Disk without clean Eject ? Have you some other Advice ? Thank you for the info... Eric
  6. Thank for your answers Kevin. It is clear that if on MAC and PC Window, there is a mechanism which allows to properly eject a USB medium and others. On the FLX, this ejection mechanism does not exist like PC/MAC... But maybe the simple fact of leaving the Save or Load menu, finally makes it possible to consider ejecting the USB keys or SSD disk... Without risking major worries... It would be interesting to ask the question to Jon, or Edward to find out more more about the possibilities of backups when we don't have ZerOS server...
  7. I See some différents notice about USB Keys & SSD... "Yes, it's normal to have the impression that USB keys snap faster than other flash memories. On the one hand because we abuse them by savagely removing them from computers, on the other hand because they are for many equipped with the most economical, slowest and most unreliable type of memory over time (TLC), and that they do not benefit from the write optimizations of their SSD cousins. These are sort of poor quality SSDs, which we are sure will die prematurely. They should therefore absolutely not be used as a permanent backup medium. They have the advantage of being compact and economical, but in terms of security over time, nothing still beats a good old external hard drive.
  8. Thank for your answers dear Kgallen… so I will continue to use USB key… I didn’t know what was the problem & I did n’y have a phone near me for taking photo ! so one key was impossible to use & second key was ok I don’t know if it was a internal problem or perhaps only this USB keys that was suddenly corrupted …. but after Mac cleaning all was ok ! i will see this afternoon if it s ok or not …. performance tonight & tomorrow
  9. Hello, I've been on 7.11 almost since it was released on FLX. I did a lot of shows. At least two a week, sometimes 3 or 4... And until yesterday I never had any particular worries. Often used the same configuration by deleting the Cues, adding or removing some fixtures... Made backups so as to always have on USB keys, the state of things and when a show was encoded, to make another backup to avoid starting all over again. Yesterday during the USB backup (before the show of this weekend) I had the impossibility of being able to record on the USB keys, message in red on the screen (Key Zero88 supplied having my first FLX) Fortunately for a few weeks, I had taken the habit of having a second USB key which worked without worries. After cleaning, and removing a certain number of files from the Zero88 Keys, I was able to use it again... (And the messages in red indicating on the FLX screen, the impossibility of recording on the USB keys have disappeared... So I have some questions and advice to ask. In fact I avoid leaving the face front key base, because always afraid in a bad gesture too fast, to tear it off. But on the other hand there remains a port available on the right side of the FLX. I'm thinking of using this one... maybe safer... Then on futur month I had the idea of using a USB HUB (I don't know which brand... Having direction ?) But already to limit the wear of the connector on front panel or on side, to use a 50 cm USB extension to remove and replace the keys on the female part of this extension... But my question is about the backup, maybe using SSD disks which would be more reliable... What do you think ? More reliable than USB keys? Of course, ideally, I would like to have a backup with ZerOS Server, but often the installation of the FLX, projectors and all the hardware is often already done in a hurry, and configuring an additional server seems to me to be complicated to do it calmly... Then it's yet another expense... And for the moment there is already the change of the projectors... How long do you do your backups? On the FLX side, do you often find yourself in trouble? Show unusable? In any case, my experience apart from this problem of backup with USB keys, since 2019, in 7.9.7, then in 7.10, and recently 7.11, I have never had any problems. I find that there is a general stability and everything works well. Have a nice day and thank you all.
  10. Good thing indeed to have a more sustained update rate. Everything is despite the security for users to have enough people in your teams to check that everything is going well with the FLX and FLX'S... I can remember chaotic updates with Apple and multiple crashes around the world... For my part, I had always taken the habit of waiting a good year before moving forward and very often that also saved me from big crashes... Yesterday (with 7.11) I had problems, impossible to save on USB keys (Zero88 Key). for the past two months, I have been systematically recording on 2 different keys. And the second key worked. I had my Mac with me, did a little cleaning on the Zero88 keys, did a little vacuum and was able to do the recording again... The red lines of code indicating that the recording on the USB key in question was impossible then disappeared... But I had a heat stroke... beautiful end of the day Eric
  11. Very good thing and thank a lot. Three Update in 8 month... Great for us. So I will have a last performance before holidays. So I Did every performance with 7.11 and having no problems. I use since June the same configuration (just changing some DMX address and Erasing CUES when I was making a new show. ) But all was stable and I having no Bug ! Using 2 universes with Leds, Moving Wash & Spot, using traditional projector... And all was working good ! So I well try 7.12 in August (after hollydays) & I will continue French traduction & wishing to continue to doing French Video Helping... So take care & good things for you dear Jon & also for Edward too, Eric from France
  12. Thank Iank99 & Edward for the Answers. So for Ethernet Cable, I must think about this. Using Fibre Optic, It s sure that I will no use this for instance... Price & I think that a bit more fragile than RJ45/ethernet.... Have a nice day, Eric
  13. Hello Question 1 About USB Hub that I want to add for use with my FLX, Two wings, one 22 inch screen Monitor and I want to add 1 mouse & 1 Keyboard... Have you a recommended brand ? Most of USB Hub are working now in USB 3.0 ? Is it a problem ? Question 2 I think in few week about using Ethernet Link and using a Node on stage... So I know that the Ethernet Cable have limited distance... Less than 100 meter, (DMX is Less than 400 m...) Have you some information about Ethernet signal Booster ? What do you do with long section ? For instance for DMX, I use Splitter/booster and the signal look to be OK.... But having other solution can be good... Thank a lot Eric Eric
  14. Programmer Time is really good to use. I use This option since 2019 and it's giving a good way for making manual change during performance...
  15. good thing to know too ! have good work !
  16. good thing to know... Thank a lot Jon, have a nice day
  17. Hello, For instance some part looks to be ahead : - Improve effects engine - Rig plan layout - Custom desktop layouts on FLX / FLX S - Undo functionality - Fixture builder within ZerOS - Dimming curves When do will stop this topic and start to add some popular choice on futur ZerOS ? Thank Eric
  18. Good to know ! I Would like to be a official tester !
  19. Hello, Any idea when 7.12 will be released? Thank Eric
  20. I have also noticed the problem that when I program the last cue, whatever the number, it automatically offers to return to Cue 1. What would indeed be practical is to be able to decide that the last active Cue is the Cue with the highest number OR to be able to return to CUE 1 if there is a need to make a loop. In any case, it's still nice to have this functional 7.11 that allows you to work wisely. But I will certainly have more precise comments with the big show which arrives at the beginning of June. Lots of fixtures and lots of CUEs in sight... This is going to be a big test of stability and operation.
  21. Hello, I did the last two week, two differents performance with zero OS 7.11. All was looking good. I did one performance with many Led projector, Automatic's Wash & spot and also traditional Spot. All was looking good. So for this performance I use "Shift+ record" for recording everything. For the second performance, It was a little installation, And I started to use Record without "Shift", & all was looking good. So for instance, all working good. For the next performance, It will be a long performance with many projectors and many effect. So I will see if everything still working good or not... Have a nice day dears Friends Eric
  22. Bonjour aux utilisateurs des version S 24 et S48, Je travaille bénévolement sur la traduction du manuel en ligne de Zero88 qui sera en version PDF. (chose que j'avais deja fait entre la version 7.9.4 vers 7.9.6/7 (90 Pages), puis 7.9.7 et 7.9.8/9.(243pages)) Cela demande un peu de temps car beaucoup d'evolution entre 7.9.9 et 7.10/7.11. L'on passe de 243 pages à 271 pages. (Edward et ses collègues ont fait un gros travail de mise à jour du manuel, mise à jour des images... introductions de vidéos.) Concernant les evolutions des versions de ZerOS 7.10 mais surtout de puis 7.11, avez vous constaté des soucis ? Merci pour votre retour positif et faisons que Zero88 soit de plus en plus représenté en France et en Europe. Bonne journée à tous Eric V.D.A ------------------ Hello, I work voluntarily on the translation of the online manual of Zero88 which will be in PDF version. (something I had already done between version 7.9.4 to 7.9.6/7 (90 Pages), then 7.9.7 and 7.9.8/9.(243pages)) It takes a little time because a lot of evolution between 7.9.9 and 7.10/7.11. We go from 243 pages to 271 pages. (Edward and his colleagues have done a great job of updating the manual, updating the images... introducing videos.) Concerning the evolutions of the versions of ZerOS 7.10 but especially then 7.11, have you noticed any problems? Thank you for your positive feedback and let Zero88 be more and more represented in France and Europe. Have a lovely day everybody Eric V.D.A
  23. Bonjour, Je travaille bénévolement sur la traduction du manuel en ligne de Zero88 qui sera en version PDF. (chose que j'avais deja fait entre la version 7.9.4 vers 7.9.6/7 (90 Pages), puis 7.9.7 et 7.9.8/9.(243pages)) Cela demande un peu de temps car beaucoup d'evolution entre 7.9.9 et 7.10/7.11. L'on passe de 243 pages à 271 pages. (Edward et ses collègues ont fait un gros travail de mise à jour du manuel, mise à jour des images... introductions de vidéos.) Concernant les evolutions des versions de ZerOS 7.10 mais surtout de puis 7.11, avez vous constaté des soucis ? Merci pour votre retour positif et faisons que Zero88 soit de plus en plus représenté en France et en Europe. Bonne journée à tous Eric V.D.A ------------------ Hello, I work voluntarily on the translation of the online manual of Zero88 which will be in PDF version. (something I had already done between version 7.9.4 to 7.9.6/7 (90 Pages), then 7.9.7 and 7.9.8/9.(243pages)) It takes a little time because a lot of evolution between 7.9.9 and 7.10/7.11. We go from 243 pages to 271 pages. (Edward and his colleagues have done a great job of updating the manual, updating the images... introducing videos.) Concerning the evolutions of the versions of ZerOS 7.10 but especially then 7.11, have you noticed any problems? Thank you for your positive feedback and let Zero88 be more and more represented in France and Europe. Have a lovely day everybody Eric V.D.A
  24. Hello Edward, It's great to hear this. So, one more good reason for going to 7.11. thank Edward
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