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thierry last won the day on November 14 2024

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About thierry

  • Birthday 02/27/1971

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  1. Que dire de plus, sinon la même chose qu'à Edward : Merci Jon pour ta pédagogie, ta patience, la pertinence de tes réponses, cela a toujours été un plaisirs d'échanger avec toi, un grand professionnel qui m'a toujours bien aidé ... bonne continuation à toi
  2. Merci Edward pour ta pédagogie, ta patience, la pertinence de tes réponses, cela a toujours été un plaisirs d'échanger avec toi, un grand professionnel qui m'a toujours bien aidé ... bonne continuation à toi
  3. If the show is long with a lot cues, and then it's too complicated for you to remember "what to record at this time" or to record again scenes just for an additional effect, why don't you record the basic scenes of your show as usual with the master playback (and then go, go, go, go ... until the end) and use other playbacks (submasters)"live" for the effect you want to add often in the show ?
  4. Hi, it depends of how you're working with the desk and which kind of fixtures you're using : 1 you're using multiple playbacks in a bank o several banks a : you're using traditionnals fixtures then no problem to have a playback that overrides an other b : you're using multiple dmx fixtures (moving heads, rgbwa leds...) (then take a look at my topic "chase question 2") 2 you're using the master playback as a master "go" for the whole show same thing than in the 1a and 1b but using a playback apart from the master playback Hope this helps, but i may have not well understood your request cause i'm french and i'm losing my english regards, Thierry
  5. "re"formated" the usb stick and now update ok with the second attemp, everything fine
  6. I'm not going so far 🙁 Thank you again, Edward
  7. Of course "red 100%" and not 0%, sorry about that. If i understand better, there is no way to create a chase which works regardless of the "base colour" in background of an other submaster. So if i want it to work, i have to create a chaser each time dedicated to the "base colour" involved in the other submaster ?
  8. I'm absolutly okay with that. So, if i create a "green" chaser for example (dedicated to run over a "red" submaster), I need to specify "red 0%" for all other fixtures at each step ? And your answer is "yes, it means that if specify all other colours at 0% for each steps (tagging them manualy), then i'll be able to run the chaser over "any colour" submaster else ?
  9. I understand what you've done but... it's not what i mean. I want it working regardless of the colours used : your blue chase is builded to run with a full white submaster in background. My answer is : is there a way to built one that works with any other submaster with same fixtures (whatever if it's white, red, green, or anything else..), and how to ?
  10. I've finally rebooted the desk, i'll see what happens after lunch
  11. Hi, me again, I try to update to 7.14.2 and the popup window software update says : "reading segment 88" but nothing happens... What to do ? waiting ? switching off and reboot ?
  12. SHOW 31-01-2024.zos Hi Edward, In this "show file", you'l have to look at the Page 3 Submaster 26. My problem is that i've created it by editing and fixing mistakes, so that i can finally have what i want . At this point, the blue chaser is mixing well with other submasters with same fixtures excepting blue depending of intensity. The question is : how to do to create it properly ? And in a second time, how to do to create the same chaser so that it overrides step by step an other submaster with the same fixtures involved (and not mixing colours) ? I mean : SUB 1 (4 ParLed W) and SUB 2 (same 4 ParLed chaser B), and i want to see WWWW then BWWW then WBWW then WWBW then WWWB and loop I hope i'm clear enough , thank you for your help.
  13. Hi Edward, We all need it, no problem at all. It's ok now, thank you.
  14. Thank you to have had a look at the "Show File"... I've tried everything, smart tag on, smart tag off, smapshot, cue only, but i can't make it work as i want to... Everytime there is the colour of the previous step in "background memory" that is still there and does not allow me to obtain what i want... I assume i'm doing something wrong, but what, that is the question...
  15. Hi (again...), Having a look at the "outputs window" while running a chase, i can see that the "colour attribut" remains the same in every step . i expected that : (ParLed1 step1 intensity 100% / colour 100%) then (ParLed2 step 2 intensity 100% / colour 100%) (and ParLed1 step 1 intensity 0% / colour 0%) ... but i see that : (ParLed1 step1 intensity 100% / colour 100%) then (ParLed2 step 2 intensity 100% / colour 100%) (and ParLed 1 step1 intensity 0% / colour 100%)... It's annoying cause if i run the chase (even if LTP) and at the same time a submaster memory with the same fixtures involved but with a different colour, i get a mix of the colours and not an override... To be more precise, a submaster with 4 ParLed White, then i run a chase with the same ParLed but in blue, i get full white then mixed colour during all steps of the chase (W1/W2/W3/W4 then mixW1B1/W2/W3/W4 then mixW1/B1/mixW2/B2/W3/W3 until the last step... The blue colour of the chase is staying in backgroud... Instead of having B1/W2/W3/W4 then W1/B2/W3/W4 until the last step.. What am i doing wrong ?
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