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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello, Thank you for the video and description of the issue. This is a known software issue that will be fixed in a future software update. Another way to solve the issue after configuring the Fader function and changing it back is to copy the playback to an empty playback, and the copy will work correctly. Hope this helps, Edward
  2. Hello, Your best option for this is to use Clear Fixture. If you hold SETUP and tap an empty UDK, you can choose “Clear Fixture” from either the normal or shifted drop down and then click OK. If you then wish to remove all programmer information for a fixture select it, and then press your Clear Fixture UDK. This is exactly like clearing the Programmer however for the currently selected fixture. If you wish to untag a Fixture rather than remove it from the programmer, select it, and then hold CLEAR and tap each attribute key twice, which should remove any tagged parameters. Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  3. Hi Peter, Great glad to hear you’ve sorted it. If a playback has yet to be released, it cannot be “re-triggered”, hence it appeared to have stopped working. Edward
  4. Hello, Configuring Home, Max Level and Default values is available in the latest beta version of ZerOS. If you would like access to this to gain a preview, please email support@zero88.com, and one of the team will be able to add you to the forum beta test group. The date this software is to be released is yet to be confirmed. Any queries let me know. Edward
  5. Hi George, Kevin is correct. A palette will only contain one set of information for colour, beam or position. You would therefore create multiple palettes each with your moving head in a different position, that you could then use to record into a playback that you can then run through in sequence. You could turn this playback into a chase if you wish to run the positions automatically. You may also want to take a look at the effects that are available, as these are a quick way to apply movement to your moving fixtures. Hope this helps, Edward
  6. Hi Peter, Is the issue present when mixing Playback 1 and 2, or does Playback 2 not seem to be working correctly at all? I would recommend emailing your show file to support@zero88.com, along with a description of the issue, and one of the team will be able to take a look and see what may be causing this. Any queries let me know. Edward
  7. Hi Franz, On Solution consoles you can't move palettes,but you can copy them. This is done by using the syntax COLOUR x COPY y ENTER, where x is the palette number you want to copy and y is where you want to paste it. This can be done for all palettes. When choosing palettes live you can use the console's Programmer Time to fade between them. For more information on this, see the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1011402011 On Solution consoles it is not possible to set a different fade time for individual fixtures in one cue. For this you would need to record a separate cue, purely for the fixture that you wish to use a different fade/delay time. You could then configured this cue to run automatically with the previous. The wheels each have their own circuit board. If the console has been jolted one of these is potentially not seated correctly. This is something you could try and fix yourself if you are happy to open the console up. If not, please contact your Zero 88 distributor and they'll be able to help you out. https://zero88.com/distributors/index.shtml Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  8. Hi George, I would recommend sending an email to FixtureSupport@zero88.com with a description of the issue, and one of the team will be able to get back to you. After having a quick look I can’t seem to find a manual for these fixtures. Do they have multiple modes available? Does the DMX address match on the fixture and the console? When changing the colour or gobo parameters from the console, does it seem to effect anything else on the fixture? Any queries let me know. Edward
  9. Hello, From any cue, you can trigger any playback. Therefore in your master playback tap the Settings button for the cue you wish your chase to run in. In the cue settings tap Macros... -> Trigger Cue Stacks -> then tap the flashing playback button of your chase. Click OK on the macros window, and then click OK on the settings window. Now when you trigger this cue in the master playback it will run, and your chase will fade in too, using the fade time of your trigger cue. If you then wish the chase to stop in the next cue of the master playback, go into the settings of the next cue, tap Macros..., but this time choose Release cue stack, and again tap your chase's button to select it. When you trigger this cue, your chase will fade out using your cue fade times. Hope that helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  10. Hi Neil, ZerOS does not support OSC commands. Your best option for triggering Leapfrog from QLab is to use MIDI. If you don't already have one fitted you would need to add an interface card to your Leapfrog to allow this. Leapfrog 96 should only be assigned 1 DHCP address by the router, which you can then assign different protocols to use. Any queries let me know. Edward
  11. Hi jb07, Not sure why that didn't work. Use Kevin's link above! Edward
  12. Hi Derek, No it doesn't (not to my knowledge anyway!). Out of interest why did you ask? Edward
  13. Hello, On FLX S consoles, custom Defaults, Home and Max Level values cannot be configured. This is something that will be introduced in the software at a later date. In the meantime if you do wish to use this functionality there is a way round it. Save your show file from your FLX S, and load it into Phantom ZerOS software on PC running as a FLX console. You can then edit the Home, Default and Max Level values as required, re-save your show file, and then load it back into FLX S. The custom Home, Default and Max Level values will be loaded to. Instructions on how to do this can be found here... http://support.zero88.com/1011411491 Alignment configuration for Pan and Tilt inverting and swapping is available on FLX S, found as columns in the Fixture Schedule for your moving lights. Hope this helps, Edward
  14. Hi Sven, Unfortunately due to the way iOS handles network communications to and from Apple Watch, iPhone has to remain unlocked in order to use the Watch App. You should find that when using the ZerOS Remote app iPhone will not lock automatically to prevent this being an issue. There is a button that allows you to "Hide UI" within the app once you are connected to a console. If you are not happy to leave your iPhone unlocked in the venue, you can press this button and put your phone in your pocket without buttons accidentally being pressed, and then use the Watch app. Any queries let me know. Edward
  15. Hello, Do you always want this strobe to ignore the Grand Master? If so I would recommend editing the fixture, and remove the Intensity parameter. The Grand Master will always effect fixtures with intensity parameters. If you have a few fixtures that you don’t want to be effected by the Grand Master, instead you can use the Inhibit function. To do this select all fixtures that you DO wish to have total control over, turn them on to full, and record them to an empty playback. Enter the settings of this playback by holding SETUP and tapping this playback’s button. Under intensity mixing choose Inhibit and click OK. This playback will then act as your Grand Master. Kind regards Edward
  16. Hi Mark, There have indeed been many changes since the manual was written. In the next software release, ZerOS 7.9.5 will bring further changes and enhancements to Setup. We are therefore keen to release an up-to-date ZerOS manual at a time when it will be applicable for the longest period possible. For configuring Home values, this is now done outside of Setup. Instructions on how this is done can be found on the knowledgebase below.. http://support.zero88.com/1011411491 For a full list of articles for FLX, see below... http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/FLX/ Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  17. Hello, That file is for Phantom ZerOS, which is software that runs on PC to emulate FLX S. Along with this file you should find ZerOS 7.9.4, the software file for FLX S. This should start downloading using the link below... https://zero88.com/forum/files/file/17-zeros-794/?do=download&r=752&confirm=1&t=1&csrfKey=cb99a9f94e13c9e27c587fd2b247778e If you have any queries let me know. Edward
  18. Hello, Running this software on PC is only required if your console is running ZerOS 7.8.3 or later. As you are currently running ZerOS, simply download the software from our website and, extract/unzip it to the root of a USB stick. Then plug into your FLX S, tap SETUP -> Load File, and choose the ZerOS .exe file. The console will run the software update, and when complete ask to you to turn the console off. The next time you switch the console back on the latest software will be installed, and the console will be completely factory reset. Hope that helps, any queries let us know. Edward
  19. Edward Z88

    Print Patch

    Hi Pete, Welcome to the forum. You're correct, currently you aren't able to print the patch. You can however export any playback as a .csv. We occasionally receive requests for this, so it is on our "to-do" list. Whenever I need to print the patch, I load the show file into PhantomZerOS on PC, go to the Fixture Schedule (SHIFT + F10 is the keyboard shortcut to enter Setup), and then hit Alt+Print Screen to screen grab the patch to print it off. If you have any queries using FLX for the first time don't hesitate to post here on the forum or send me an email. Edward
  20. Hi Simon, OK thank you for letting me know. Glad that has solved the issue. Edward
  21. Hi Simon, This sounds as though the Fader Function of the Master Playback is configured to be "Manual Fade (1-way)". To change this setting, hold SETUP + tap the Master Playback's Go button, and in the settings you will probably see Manual Fade 1-way has a red stripe next to it. Select HTP Master, and then click OK. You should then find the Fader sets the intensity level of your cues, and the GO button advances through them. Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  22. Hello, Glad you worked it out. For future reference, to Delete a colour picker image tap DELETE, and then tap the image you wish to remove. You can then confirm this command. Any queries let me know. Edward
  23. Cheeky! Not currently an exhaustive list, but we are working on that. We are in the process of compiling our knowledgebase for FLX, with the search engine allowing you to find the shortcut you need. http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/FLX/ Any queries let me know. Edward
  24. Hello, What version of the app are you running? What tablet do you have? Does both the Remote and Monitor app do this? Is this a large orange Z logo in a circle? If so this is the app splash screen. Could you take a screenshot and send it over to me? Edward
  25. Hi Wolfgang, Holding CLEAR and tapping an attribute key will tag/untag all parameters within the attribute. We refer to a parameter in the programmer as being tagged. Therefore with your fixtures selected you can hold CLEAR and double tap each attribute, and this will tag all parameters of your selected fixtures. Edward
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