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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello, Unfortunately Blind mode functionality is not available on FLX S consoles. This is something that the standard FLX console can do. If you have any queries let me know. Edward
  2. Hi Matthew, Thanks for your comment. I will make a note of this. An extended list of keyboard shortcuts is definitely something we are looking to implement. All the best, Edward
  3. Hello, Of course, you can call us on +44(0)1633 833101. Alterntively, please drop us an email to support@zero88.com requesting to have a chat, and we’ll be able to give you a call. All the best, Edward
  4. Hello, Ah yes, I used to have some of these! Can’t remember what the channel map was. Do you have a manual? I think it is channel 1 dimmer, then RGB, then strobe, then program, in which case when set to DMX address 25, channel 25 will be the dimmer, and then 26>28 will be RGB. Edward
  5. Hello, The Jester 24/48 isn’t designed to control LED equipment, but it is possible. What fixture is it? You will need to know the DMX channel map, in order to know which faders will control which functions, depending on the start address and mode. For example the most basic LED fixture will usually be 4 channels- RGB, plus a dimmer for the fixture that will need to be raised in order to output colour. A method you may wish to use if you have 24 channels of dimming, is patch your first fixture at DMX 25. There is the possibility to patch the faders on the console, which may make your life easier. This is described on page 30 of the manual... Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  6. Hi Matthew, No, there currently isn't a keyboard shortcut for CLEAR. Backspace allows you to step back through the command line to the previous comma. All the best, Edward
  7. Hi Matthew, Yes, these are correct. The only one that isn't correct is Backspace is not mapped to the CLEAR button. Backspace simply allows you to go back through your command line to the next comma. This is shown at the bottom of the external monitor or above the encoders when you tap Z/Shift. Hope this helps, Edward
  8. For reference, this is logged on our system as ZOS-7579. Edward
  9. Hi Martin, Unless you plan on programming the smoke/haze machine into cues, personally I would patch the smoke/haze machine as generic dimmer channels, rather than using a dedicated personality. For most hazers this will be a dimmer channel for Pump and another for Fan. As smoke behaviour varies greatly on many factors such as venue, size of audience, positioning of the machine, what's going on on stage etc, this method gives you 2 faders to control the smoke/haze live, whilst running the lighting cues from your master playback. If you would prefer to use a dedicated fixture profile for a smoke/hazer, you can still control the rate using a fader by recording onto a playback. The simplest way to do this is to set the pump and fan to full, record to a playback, and in the settings of the playback enable Fader Controls Beam, so that the fader scales the rate of haze. The Pump and Fan controls can be accessed by selecting the fixture, and tapping the Beam tab. The control parameters will then be controlled using the encoders. Hope this helps, Edward
  10. Hi Martin, Great glad to hear you're getting on well. Oops! Yep, saving to USB is very important! All the best, Edward
  11. Hi Martin, There is no way to change the size of these channel names. You may find that viewing the MFF Window is more helpful. You can view this on the external monitor when enabled, by tapping VIEW. To enable the external monitor tap SETUP -> System Settings -> External Monitor -> Enabled. When the faders are in channels function, this window will show you the name of each channel fader, along with a level indicator. Alternatively you can view the MFF window on the internal touchscreen. If you have for example the first 6 channels all named the same, the name will be displayed once above the channels making it clearer, rather than repeated for each fixture. More information can be found here... http://support.zero88.com/1011594321 Hope this helps, Edward
  12. Hi Nigel, Unfortunately, cues cannot reference other cues. Therefore in your situation you will have to update each individual cue that used your playback you need to update. An option that you might find easier in your situation, is to instead of recording and updating data into cues in your Master playback, simply add trigger and release macros in to recall your playback that you regularly use. To do this go into the settings of a cue in your master playback, tap Macros... -> Trigger Cue Stacks -> tap the button of the playback you wish to trigger. The way to reference cue intensity values to a single location is by using Intensity Groups. Groups will always record intensity information present on the selected fixtures at the point of recording. If you then tap a programmed group once, the fixtures will select normally as expected. If however you double tap a group, the fixtures will be selected, and any intensity information will be recalled. If no intensity data was present at the point of recording, fixtures will be taken to full when double tapping. This allows you to double tap a group to turn them on to your predefined levels, exactly like you would for colour, beam and position palettes. You can then record this into your cues, and they will all reference the intensity levels in the group. You can therefore update all of these cues easily by double tapping the group, adjusting the intensity levels, and then tap UPDATE and tap the group. All cues that used these intensities will update automatically. Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  13. Great, no problem. Edward
  14. Hi Matthew, Yes, we are hoping to include this in ZerOS 7.9.5. All the best, Edward
  15. Hi Mark, ZerOS 7.9.5 is still currently work in progress. Unfortunately I cannot give a release date on this yet. Would having access to the latest beta version of ZerOS be of interest to you? If so please drop us an email to support@zero88.com requesting to have beta access, and we’ll be able to add your forum account to the group. Another guide that you may find useful in the meantime, is our console training notes. These are available here... http://support.zero88.com/988886531 Hope this helps, Edward
  16. Hi Matthew, Thanks for the explanation. Planned for a future software update, there will be an option in Setup which will allow you to choose the boot Fader Function. Therefore you can ensure the console always boots in Playback’s if you wish, avoiding the need to change the function. I will ensure that the priority is raised due to your request. Hope this helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  17. Hi Mark, Hmm interesting thanks for the information. Glad to hear you solved the issue. Edward
  18. Bonjour, Pour une flexibilité maximale, je vous recommande d’enregistrer une lecture avec un effet de fondu Red Fade, Green Fade et Blue Fade sur vos appareils souhaités. Ensuite, lancez ces effets, sélectionnez ces projecteurs et appliquez différentes palettes de couleurs par-dessus. Vous verrez que vous pouvez changer la couleur de l'effet en direct. Pour appliquer un temps de fondu aux palettes, jetez un coup d’œil à Programmeur Temps ci-dessous ... http://support.zero88.com/1011402011 J'espère que cela vous aidera si vous avez des questions, faites-le nous savoir. Hello, For the maximum flexibility, I would recommend recording a playback with a Red Fade, Green Fade and Blue Fade effect cue on your desired fixtures. Then run these effects, select these fixtures, and apply different colour palettes over the top. You will see that you can change the colour of the effect live. To apply a fade time to palettes, take a look at Programmer Time below... http://support.zero88.com/1011402011 Hope this helps, if you have any queries let us know. Edward
  19. Hi Matthew, Thank you for your comments. We have had a couple of requests to remotely change the fader function. This is possible on the larger FLX console through programming a macro. This is already logged on our system. We haven’t currently scheduled which version of ZerOS this will be included in. All the best, Edward
  20. Hello, As Kevin has explained, it sounds like the MACs have accidentally been recorded into your Smoke machine Submaster. There are a couple of reasons this could have happened. Firstly, the console maybe in Full Programming mode. When in this mode, if you tap the Program button, a snapshot of the console’s output will be captured. When in Partial Programming Mode, only tagged parameters will be stored. Tagged parameters are parameters you have adjusted manually, indicated by a white background in the encoder LCDs. You can change the programming mode by holding SHIFT + MODE to enter Setup, and then arrow down to <Record Options>. Partial is the default. Therefore to solve this, ensure the console is in Partial Mode, ensure the Smoke machine is the only fixture tagged, and program onto a submaster. The reason you’re seeing this is as Kevin says, pushing that submaster up is the latest command you have sent to the fixture. This is due to LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) behaviour. If you lower the submaster, a new command is not sent to the fixtures, and therefore they remain doing what they’re doing until they are given a new command. Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  21. Hello, I haven’t personally used FLX with W-DMX G5 products. I would have thought if the DMX signal is fine from FLX over wire, this same signal will be transmitted wirelessly, and so you should in theory receive the same quality of data. If the TX box has a DMX out port, have you tried plugging in a terminator? Are the W-DMX products on the latest firmware? All the best, Edward
  22. Hi Eric, We definitely agree. We think it’s very important to support customers to ensure they can get the most from the products. An updated manual and more videos are definitely something that will be released in future. In the meantime, you may find the knowledge base a useful resource... http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/FLX/ Edward
  23. Edward Z88

    ZerOS 7.9.5

    Hi Eric, Thank you for your comments. Noted. This is something we are working on. In the meantime, you may find the FLX area of the knowledge base a useful resource... http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/FLX/ All the best, Edward
  24. Edward Z88

    ZerOS 7.9.5

    Hi Eric, Software updates usually take less than a minute to install. Show files are forward compatible, and therefore you are able to load your show file from previous software into new software. However, it is always good practice to perform software updates after a show run has finished plenty of time before the next, just to give you time to get used to any changes. If you would like to become a beta tester, please drop us an email to support@zero88.com, and we’ll be able to add your forum account to the group. If you have any queries let me know. Edward
  25. Hi Eric, Thanks for the post. Glad to hear you’re enjoying Zero 88 Lighting Controls! If you have any questions just let us know. Edward
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